Limb Chicken
Active Member
Well just to let you guys know we are back from Nebraska. I will have pictures later today or tomorrow. Talked to the land owner he mentioned that his son was coming back from college to hunt because he was concerned about the weather holding out. So, we got his number and gave him a call to see where he was planning on hunting and let him know we would stay clear of the area. He was going to hunt where I shot mine last year and was only hunting until 9:30 and that we were more than welcome to hunt where ever we wanted... Well we chose a spot at the campfire not knowing how is was going to be or whether there was even any birds in that area.
We set up the blind and as I put out the decoys a bird gobbled 75 yards away!
Well this one was over at 6:02 am. My buddy put the shot on the money (all on video). We found the bird and as we were taking the still pictures another bird gobble 200yards away from the other direction. We got back in the blind and this bird came to 7 yards but wouldn't give me a clear shot... So I waited.... and waited... he finally got to an area I thought I could slip an arrow through. I did all right. Right through the blind
! We ended up calling that bird back in but I just couldn't get a clear shot so we let him walk away. It was around 10:30 so we decided to go check the area that I shot mine last year. We got set up and let things settle for around 45 minutes and started to call. The third series of calls we got a response from three birds two in one direction and one in the opposite direction.
Dueling gobblers... Well the one that was by himself won a trip back to Iowa at 12:18 pm
. Never saw a hen the whole trip. I will post the pics when I can. Mine had 1.5 hooks and Scott's had 1.25. We went back to camp and celebrated, watched the video and ate deer steak! It was a truely awesome trip!
We set up the blind and as I put out the decoys a bird gobbled 75 yards away!