Impossible without actually seeing your farm, access, area etc. I personally bought 55ac of sub-par tillable in the middle of open prairie Ag where I live in spring 2020. It has a brushy ditch that splits it down the middle but only makes up a few acres. Rest is corn/bean rotation. True BLANK CANVAS. I have access from a few different sides. COVER and FOOD after Nov 1st are the limited resource in my area. Miles of corn and beans, but its all gone and turned over by Halloween.
I carved out 3 different sizeable plots in thought out, advantageous spots. Got the rest all enrolled in continuous CP2 (BB, Indian, Switch, some forbes). Its paying WAY more than any local farmer would ever pay, and was prime cover in my area in a couple short years. Hunted it for the first time this fall and killed a 6.5yo 168". The deer just migrated to it. That was the original idea buying it, but still is a relief to witness.
Surely if I was in a higher timber/habitat area, it wouldn't have near the drawing power it does. That's why the answer to your post, IT DEPENDS.