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What a difference!


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I have been hunting most of this past week where mine is the only QDM managed property. All the ground around my place is owned by good people, but they chuckle at the idea of letting any buck go…no matter what the size. After hunting all week, I saw countless numbers of does and only one small yearling buck.
Yesterday I went to another property where all the neighboring land as well as mine is under QDM. All told perhaps well over a section and a half are under some form of QDM.
Within and hour of daylight I had seen 10 bucks walk calmly by my stand, several of which will be some outstanding bucks next fall! There are still too many does, even though we have all filled our freezers with them, but what a difference QDM makes! Unfortunately, the majorities are like my neighbors, who cannot imagine passing up a buck.
I certainly commend Iowa Whitetail and DNR Biologist Willie Suchy for trying to convince hunters to take does rather then those young bucks. Perhaps only a fraction of a percent of the states deerhunters read sites like this one (correct me if I'm wrong?) which is very unfortunate and relying on education to change hunting traditions will only affect a very small number of hunters.
Hey Double Tree,

I have gotten in many Cyber Fights over that subject on other sites. I am a true advocate of trophy management and QDM. Unfortunately there are always going to be those neighbors bording us that will spoil the pot. Please dont get me started!!
It seems like such a "no brainer" to me but I understand that traditions and old habits are very deeply ingrained and die hard. Seems pointless to argue about the subject. Better to just keep talking about it and work with lawmakers to encourage changes at the state level.
I preach the taking of does over small buck's were I work and I think I'm finally starting to get through to those guy's.I think it's just a tradition thing to be able to say "I got my buck".Change comes slow but hang in there and just keep telling everyone the benefit's of letting the small buck's go and the importance of taking does and they will come around.If even one person out of 5 change's there harvest criteria it will mean one less small buck shot before his prime and that is a start.
My favorite saying is that if your going to shoot a small buck and throw the rack in the corner then why not just take a doe?It seem's to make sence to them.
Buckhunter, your saying reminds me of my 73 year old neighbor who, over the past 10 years, has really turned into a QDM proponent. I think he summed it up one time when he told me he tells guys: There's only two reasons to shoot a deer: to eat it or brag on it and if it ain't big enough to brag on then you might as well shoot a doe cuz they're better eatin"

He and his brother control about 1200 acres that adjoins my land in Appannoose county and the quality of the bucks has gone up tremendously down there since they've practiced QDM.
There's only two reasons to shoot a deer: to eat it or brag on it and if it ain't big enough to brag on then you might as well shoot a doe cuz they're better eatin"

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My sentiments exactly!
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