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What a week!

Deer Nut

PMA Member
Well my wife and I were back at it last week spending 5 days in deer camp. We hunted hard but didn't really have good daytime movement until the 10th. That afternoon Kirsten climbed into her stand and 5 minutes later had a doe come in with a buck right behind her. They bedded down together at 30 yards. She was trying to figure out what to do. Grunt? Wait them out? She didn't have a clear shot. Out of nowhere a nice main frame 8 comes by cruising and squares off with the buck. She drew back but no shot. They did a few circles around each other then the larger buck broke away and walked right under her stand. She drew again and "meeped" at him but he wouldn't stop so she let him go. He walked out to 30 yards then turned back around and came under her again. This time he stopped and at 7 yards she drilled an arrow down into him! He ran about 50 yards and stopped. He looked back, took two more steps and disappeared. She came unglued at that point. Shaking so bad she couldn't text me! I told her we will wait until 20 minutes of light was left and go look. That would give him 45 minutes. We found one spot of blood and less than half of her arrow. The arrow didn't penetrate the bottom side of the buck so there was no blood to follow whatsoever! We went to the last spot she saw him and no blood so we decided to play it safe and back out. The next morning we went back to the spot after my morning hunt. As she was grabbing her gloves and a water I looked to my right and there he was. He was ten yards from where we stood the night before and we just didn't see him! I didn't tell her that I found him. I turned on the go pro and said ok you lead the way let's go. Her reaction when she saw him was priceless! What a great first buck for a deserving hunter. She has hunted a lot the last couple years and I couldn't be happier for her! It was her last day of vacation too!


Her buck has stickers on the front AND back of the main beams. I have never seen that before. He also has a super long brow tine and no throat patch at all. She is having him mounted. She is still on cloud nine! He has 12 scoreable points.

My buck story-
She had to go back to work the next day and we had a buck to take care of so we hit the road for home. Thursday morning I was up and out the door at 4:45 am. I was heading back to hunt for two days. My last vacation days. At 5 I stopped to get gas and some lp for the camper furnace. I get back in the truck and it won't start! Big bucks were moving, big cold front came through and i'm sitting at a gas station. I sat there for 4 hours waiting for a tow. Later in the afternoon I found out it was my fuel pump. Now I'm dead in the water and dying to get back out there. Out of the blue my neighbor offers up his truck so I can get back in the woods for my last day of vacation. So Thursday night I hit the road. Stopped at the shop to get my backpack and 10 miles down the road I had to go back to get my tags! Now this time I remembered to wear my lucky bracelet that my little girl had made for me. Friday morning I was in the tree ten minutes before light. At 7:30 a bobcat came trotting by at 20 yards. Once again I forgot to buy a fur harvester permit so for the 2nd time in 3 years I had to let a cat walk. At 7:46 I saw my buck at 80 yards. He is a mature 10 pointer.The bucks in this spot have been cutting across a side hill about 35 yards out so that morning I used some boot pads and Mrs Doe Pee. I stomped all over the side hill trail when I came to it and made a scent trail that goes by my stand at 18 yards. I've had this work before and I've also seen it have no impact. This time it worked perfectly! He hit the spot where I crossed his trail and instantly perked up. He did a circle, picked up my trail and walked right to me. At 18 yards I stopped him and hit him perfectly. He is not #1 or #2 but he is a welcome sight after all I went through just to get myself into a treestand that morning!
This has been a week I will not forget. We both scored on our last day of vacation!

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Thanks all. Oh and I shot a doe Friday evening as well. Two deer on Friday the 13th. It seems all my bad luck came one day early!
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