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What are deer eating??

I took one choice but have observed them in several of the others, including more in picked beans than I recall ever seeing before.
I have also seen a lot of deer feeding in picked soybean fields immediately after leaving the bedding area. However, the ones I am seeing are moving quickly to picked corn fields after they have munched on a few mouth fulls of bean husk.
They are still eating apples s soon as they fall. Kinda rotten looking, but they must still have some nutritional value.

The 'Bonker
I see them eating apples also I was once told that get a kind of drunken feeling when eating these fermenting apples :bc: this late in the season. Guess I need to find an old buck that has been eating lots of apples :grin:
Most mornings and early evenings I have seen deer in alfalfa fields that are bordered by both beans and corn. Grass types that are high in selinium are next.
Not to nitpick but do you mean Selenium?

I know what that is but not sure what grasses are highest in it.Please elaborate.
Do most of you think that they are in the picked corn and cut beans because there is high availability or do you think that it is because that is their preference right now? The reason I ask is because I see my deer in the picked corn but I think that it is because I live in farming country and that is very easy for them to go out and feed in.

I almost forgot---you pick grean beans and cut soybeans, LOL. Just the farmer coming out in me.
Grass types that uptake selenium in higher amounts are:
Reed Canery grass
Napier Orchardgrass
Brome grass has decreased amounts of concentrations.
Legumes with higher blood selenium concentrations are:
Of course Alfalfa and Birdsfeet Trefoil
Legumes associated with lower uptake are:
White clover and Ladino clover
Why deer seem to go to pastures with these, I have no idea. Just have noticed this through out the year when checking them to run cattle in them.
Selenium deficiency in cow/calf herds has been linked to decreased reproduction performance, retained fetal membranes, increased disease susceptibility and mastis.
Hope this answers some of your questions.
Ive been sitting in this area where there are woods.. and they have to go through a corn field to reach the bean fields... and they all head for bean fields ignoring the corn... so im gunna have to say ive been seein them in bean fields more than ever b4!
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