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What are my options.....HELP

The guy I lease my hunting land from called me the other day and asked me not to put in any more food plots if I was going to disc up the ground. He said that if I wanted to do food plots from now on that I would have to plant them no-till. He claims that his ground is in some kind of no till program and he can get fined for discing up the ground. Seems strange to me because the foodplots I put in last fall were in areas that had never been planted in row crops and were just overgrown weed / grass fields.

Anyhow, last fall I disc'd up these area's real good and I planted one acre in winter rye and overseeded it with Alice white clover. I also put in two acres of Alice white clover in a separate location. Both crops came up great.

The larger stand of clover is staying in clover so I don't have any worries about what to do with it. The one acre field however, I really wanted to replant in Rye again this fall but how can I do that if I have to do it NO-till? I was planning on discing up the clover and starting all over but can't disc per his rules so what are my options?

Can I just spray round up in July and then broadcast the rye heavily in Sept or what? HELP.

I know for sure that spraying and broadcasting brassicas works, but I'm not sure whether the rye will make good enough seed to soil contact seeing how it is a large seed. It would be worth a try I suppose, maybe someone else has had experience with a similar situation.
I have done the spray and broadcast with Rye before and it worked fairly well. Timely rain and seeding extra heavy makes a difference.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: huntdoc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Timely rain</div></div>

I think this is probably the most important. Getting rid of previous vegetation to the best of your ability would probably benifit you the most as well. If there was a way to mow what weeds and dead stubble that may help as well. I used a bed spring behind my atv last fall to knock my standing rye down two trips across the same spot in opposite direction tore most of the stalks out of the ground and wrapped them up in the bedspring.
Thought this might help.
I have done this, and plan on it in a couple spots this fall. Keep up with the round up, so weeds don't get a start, all summer. Of coarse if you have a large area, could be costly. I have small plots. Just broadcast rye,,raked it to merge it with soil,and it came up great.
Iwas also wondering about spraying and broadcasting brassicas. Not necessarily for hunting but late season the yard food for them, bales are adding up $ wise. Any elaboration Kurtish? How much of the dead vegetation did you remove, ground level?
Brassicas are very easy to broadcast into killed sod or almost any type of trash.

The tiney seed easily makes its way to the soil surface and will sprout with a good rain.

I have pics of this in the brassica thread.

Is it possible to rent a no-till drill from your county conservation board? You could easily no-till rye with a drill although if you kill everything with roundup first you can broadcast rye, just use much heavier rates and broadcast just ahead of a good rain.

Another idea is it spray in late May, and broadcast buckwheat for a temporary cover crop.

The buckwheat will provide food and hold down weeds and then you can broadcast the rye into it in late August.

No-till is "no problem"!... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
I think I will just spray the feed with select in early may to kill any grasses and then nuke again in August to kill the clover, the broadcast and cultipack in Sept.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: steveolson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think I will just spray the feed with select in early may to kill any grasses and then nuke again in August to kill the clover, the broadcast and cultipack in Sept.

STEVE </div></div>

Please come back and post your results with us this fall and share success or failures with everyone. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
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