Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What are the Odds??

Im just saying that the kind of managing you are talking about skip is definatly not for everyone.

Oh, I agree, and I know I'm in the VAST VAST minority. Heck, you're in the minority and your method isn't for everyone. No ones method will be for everyone- even the "if it's brown it's down" method/"management". There's huge extremes on all sides. Everything from the guys shooting the highest scoring deer they can - no matter the age TO if it's brown it's down TO let's shoot enough does and OLDER bucks to properly balance TO 160" and over TO whatever I feel like shooting that day. There's a million different goals, & reasons folks hunt. Some simply hunt to get away for 3 days a year and fire off old trusty at some critters, maybe put something in the freezer.

Where my OPINION comes in is: I don't think this public resource is simply made & exists ONLY for my fun or my own desires of having a "trophy". I PERSONALLY think we all have a responsibility to look at the BIOLOGY of hunting and also think about what's best for our neighborhood. Yes, when it comes to deer I put genetics, age, buck to doe ratio, population all in play- NOT just my desires to shoot a high scoring buck and go home (and I am NOT saying this to you OR to anyone in particular on here, just IN GENERAL). I personally feel we have a duty to responsibly manage this resource & responsibly manage our neighborhood. Now, when it comes to IA and ANY neighborhood, everyone COULD adapt their management to that neighborhood. thankfully in IA, there's probably the best shot in the country a buck will live if passed, you can balance things right, plenty of opportunities, plenty of does to be shot for freezer (in bottom part of state), etc. Bottom line, I personally think BIOLOGY & shooting things for a BIOLOGICAL reason should be at least a FRACTION of why folks shoot things & all need to understand we all collectively have to manage a resource VS purely killing for their own fun & recreation. That's my OPINION though and let's face it, there's probably more folks that disagree with me than agree but that's alright.

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That's what I love about this sight. Great debate!!
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