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What does a Monster mean to you?

A monster to me is anything that makes me say... WOW! That being said, if I havn't seen any good bucks for a while and I see a 160 walk out next to a spike, I might think monster. Or if I jump a 130" buck, but he happens to have a 300lb body, I might say he was a monster.
Probably anything over 170 would be pretty monstrous to me.. guess it depends how many points it has. I usually get so worked up when I shoot a 130" that I call my friends and say I just shot a monster and it ends up having a lot of ground shrinkage.... Oh well.. It gets me excited and that's what counts.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JakeWym</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Any heavy horned mature buck is a monster IMO...scores can sometimes be deceptive. </div></div>

I agree. I've seen 150-160in bucks that look a lot more impressive then some 180in bucks! One of my dream bucks would be a 150-160in heavy horned 8pt. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> To answer the question though I'd have to say LIV hit it pretty well. There are a fair number of "hogs, pigs, tanks, smokers, giants, and cookers" out there but a truely monstrous deer is something I've yet to see in the wild on the hoof. A great example of a true monster is Saskguys muzzleloader buck from a couple years ago or Bowman's mule deer from this year, simply awe inspiring. </div></div>

I agree with Muddster, but minus a few inches on LIV's scores. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I have seen three deer in my lifetime that I would call true MONSTER BUCKS. Each time I felt like I had an out-of-body experience where time slowed down, everything around me got fuzzy and the only words that came to my mind were cuss words and obscenities that would make a sailor blush! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif These animals are rare indeed and when you see one you never forget when and where. Any deer that reaches 200 gross inches I would consider a monster.
I've got a vision of a monster in my head - a fully mature perfectly symmetrical 12 standing on the edge of a corn field with the morning sun gleaming off his rack - score doesn't matter, I've always dreamed of taking a perfectly symmetrical 12 so he'd be my monster.

I've also dreamed of taking a perfectly symmetrical 8, 10, and 12 and having them all on one wall next to each other - yep. Beautiful.
I have hunted during Nov. here in IA for four seasons now. Biggest, or should I say oldest buck I have shot so far was 3 1/2 yr old. Otherwise have only seen 2 1/2s. From where I came from,, seeing 2 1/2 yr old deer every season was exciting. Still is. They are not giants or monsters, and from what most people post on here, they would only yawn at such deer. I had a 4 wheeler spook a buck much older and bigger than 3 1/2 past me last Dec. Was exciting to see as he ran by, with my bow in hand. I only hunt on my 40 acrs with 2 good stands on it. I am sure bigger deer travel by that I don't see. I wonder if there are any on here that have mostly 2 1/2 yr old experineces.? I just like watching deer/wildlife in genreal,,like the bobcat I saw catch a squirrel. I consider 2 1/2 yr olds at least starting to get mature and guess even these will always get my juices flowing.
Don't let anyone tell you that there's anything wrong with a 2 1/2 year old deer should you want to shoot it, that same deer used to be my monster.
if you have been bow hunting for a long time, there are deer that make your heart thump, its up to the hunter, bigger than lasr yr., rack domension, points, , it may come down to , ive waited for the 170 that never showed, but take a nice 150 late in the yr, its all up to the hunter. a trophy is all in the hunters eyes of what he wants to harvest.we have all passed up deer thinking somthing bigger would come along to only be skunked, thats why we are who we are.if we enjoy what were doing, does a monster really make a difference?
Lots of great thoughts here!

awesome post!!

to me the definition of a monster is a mature, old animal. one that has become a pure professional at surviving....
score wise? i guess any deer that you have to look at and fondle time and time again.... if you blaze past the pictures once and that is enough, he is not a monster... but if you cant get enough of him, that to me is monster status....
also uniqueness is a big facet as well....

i dont see score as deciding factor towards monster-esque-ness (new word /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif) but thats just me.

the experience makes each deer a monster in his own right i guess.

but the bottom line as to why i hunt, competing with a force that is so often the victor is a task that is not easily over come. but when you pull off the perfect bluff and witness Mother Nature in her purest form as you deflate a "monster", that is the greatest achievement in hunting world in my opinion.
competing with and winning... thats what it is all about for me!

sorry for the rant.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
i dont see score as deciding factor towards monster-esque-ness /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif </div></div>

I agree with Thomas here, I've actually never scored a deer that I've shot so I can't really say score is a factor for me. If I like the buck, I shoot...at it at least, if not, I don't. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
200 is a monster no matter how many points. Skully has seen the monster i missed twice with my bow in the same hunt it's hard to concentrate when they are that big. Ya wanted to give up hunting after that. Blew my chance probably never see one that big from my stands ever again.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
to me the definition of a monster is a mature, old animal. one that has become a pure professional at surviving....
score wise? i guess any deer that you have to look at and fondle time and time again.... if you blaze past the pictures once and that is enough, he is not a monster... but if you cant get enough of him, that to me is monster status....
also uniqueness is a big facet as well....

Same here.
I did miss a point, thanks THA4 for bringing this one to my attention.How many times have we checked our cams, scouted, seen what we have seen, but there is just this one Buck, may not be the Monster, but, has that quality about him. the way he developed, somthing that makes us keep oggling at the pics we got days past.we know there are bigger whitails than we have seen on film,cams, seen in person, theres a reason ---nocturnal-- they may show themselves during rut, who knows, sometimes as hunters, it comes down to time. how much time will i be able to hunt? may be a lot, may be little, all we can do is take advantage of the great sport were doing & if you have a chance to take a nice deer & properly take care of the meat, and you have been satisfied, then you have harvested YOUR monster.Good luck to all, every year is a monster yr, filling our tags , or not.Happy hunting .
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