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What Gun Season??

Bow Ben

Hey guys. I am a new to Iowa this year and will be bow hunting and gun hunting. I will be hunting public land as I haven't found any private to hunt yet. I am having trouble deciding which gun season tag to buy. I was wondering which gun season you guys prefer and the pros and cons of each?? Any input you could give me would be appreciated.

well ben welcome to iowa! you will get opinions here to favor both gun seasons im sure of that. I prefer the 1st season because

1st. IMO they are not as spooked.

2nd. Its only one wknd long. 2 wknds of shotgun hunting in iowa is very tiring. Atleast for me anyway :D

3rd. And last reason well everyone in my group prefers 1st season.
Seems a little odd to me that you have an Iowa outfitter listed in your reply and asking these questions...but I like 1st season also..party hunt with family and friends.
Late muzz is my preference. I'm just not a huge party hunting guy. I like sitting in the cold weather and I see way more activity. The season is longer as well. If your heart is set on hunting private land then your best bet is muzz, it seems every square inch of huntable ground in iowa is locked up for shotgun hunting. Personally, there is a lot of public land in Iowa that you couldn't pay me to step foot on during shotgun season...
It's really hard to say which season would be the best. I hunt mainly all public and my experience is you would have a much better chance shooting a big buck during shotgun season than during late muzzleloader especially if you are located in Scott county. I have hunted it all around there. I have found big sheds on public ground but late season is darn tough.

The key with shotgun on public is finding where the deer will go when all the pushing starts. I have only doe hunted shotgun on public but could of shot some dandies if I had a buck tag in my pocket. I'd find a big tree and get high and plan on sitting all day. Either season could be good, it just depends who is hunting what season. Some places I hunt everyone primarily hunts 1st season, 30 miles away everyone primarily hunts second season. I personally prefer second season due to the extended time.
That late rifle season is the best. Lots of shed bucks are running around and its fun to see how many of those you can shoot! :grin: We had a group in our area last year who had a contest to see who could shoot the most shed bucks....seemed like a great idea! :way:
Public land in iowa typically isn't bowhunted hard for the most part depending on the area, shotgun season it all gets pounded, late muzzleloader season you won't see hardly anyone. If you do, they are usually trying to fill a doe tag.
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