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What Makes A Good Picture?



You just taken a nice deer and your all pumped up to show your friends and family!What's the one thing most of us forget to do let alone do right? "Take a good picture," you know the one you see in between the cover of magazines and even on this website.

Let us help!

1. Slowdown and enjoy the moment, take some time and get some great photo's.

2. It doesn't take anything more than your family camera to take a good picture so use it or even carry a "throw away camera" with you in the field/woods. Try to use 100 speed film if you can, 200 speed film will also work. Use a flash at all times, the more light the better.

3. Try to remove all blood or position the animal so blood doesn't show up. Tuck the tongue back in the deers mouth. Spit shine the eyes if you must.

4. If you harvest the animal in the morning try to get in some sunlight so you and the deer are facing the sun and the photographer has it to his/her back. Find some natural surrounding cover to take the photo, maybe some CRP or fire red fall foliage. If you shoot the deer at night try to go out in the morning and get some shots.

5. Try to position the head up and include your weapon. Take photo's from several angles and have the photographer lower or as low as you are. Oh almost forgot........don't sit on the animal and try to smile ( you should be pumped up, show it .)

6. We aren't gonna condem photo's in back of trucks or hanging in your garage but we would encourage everyone to try to take some good field photo's of these very important times in your life.

7. This is the most important step, don't forget this one! Send your photo's to your favorite website, www.iowawhitetail.com , just click on "Contact Us" and we'll help you from there.


Photo provided by Steve Mosnik
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