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what new calls are on your "to buy" list this year


Life Member
i'm pretty set, call wise. might try to pick up another hand made glass or slate call this year, that is about it, other than a few diaphram calls, to replace the ones i've lost, or let get destroyed.
i do like the diaphrams primos puts out, with the "sonic dome" they are a breeze to use
DLO made me a couple of slate calls I can't wait to use this spring. I have yet to be able to use a diaphram call even with the sonic dome.
"sonic dome"

[/ QUOTE ]

That sounds interesting...

I've got a vest full of calls but I have a little scratch box that is my favorite.

I'd like to buy another one made of different wood to give me different tones.

Scratch Boxes
i have the quakerboy boatpaddle, i like it. lynch makes a one sidedbox that sounds pretty good, and is pretty simple to master, i've come close to taking one of those home a few times, but i'm not a big box call user. my main calls are a custom glass and slate call, quaker boy easy yelper (push pin call), a diaphram call, and my own voice. although, i carry quite a few others along...you never know
Re: what new calls are on your "to buy" list this

DLO makes some beautiful calls. Shoot him a PM. They sound great!

Re: what new calls are on your "to buy" list this

Woodswise Mystic series of calls are the best box calls I've ever used... and they're 100% waterproof.

Re: what new calls are on your "to buy" list this

DLO has donated a call set for the IBA banquet. a regular slate, and a smaller "coaxer" slate. i got a guy to donate a couple strikers, its going to be a sweet little set
Re: what new calls are on your "to buy" list this

I just got a new custom call at the KBA banquet last weekend. It was donated for the auction by Lights Out Custom Calls. It is too beautiful to want to take in the woods though. I love cocobolo.



I bought this one a month ago. I was wanting a waterproof box call. It is the best sounding box call I have.

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