So, My Brother-n-law arrowed a really nice buck on Saturday morning. After giving the deer a couple hours we set out to recover his biggest deer ever. After following a decent blood trail for about 400 yards, we bumped the deer. The deer took off with his tail up and didnt look hurt at all. The shot was a pass through, but there was a lot of white belly hair on the mechanical and the shaft, which lead me to believe the shot was low. We continued on after an hour break only to loose all blood trail and the deer. Fast forward to this morning...He texts me and said he shot one of the bucks on our hit list. He was out there alone so I told him if he looses the blood trail to back out and call reinforcements. He called an hour later said he was gonna take a break and try again this afternoon. I plan on doing everything I can to help him find this deer, but I cant help but be upset with this. 2 mature bucks in 48 hours and nothing to show for it. Suggestions on how to handle this situation would be grand. Dont want to yell and scream, but Practicing with his bow in the offseason is not a priority with him. And this situation is why it pisses me off.............If that deer is dead though, I will find it, PROMISE

Pissed off Brother-n-law
Pissed off Brother-n-law