Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What Skip needs

I got depressed walking the farm today, lots of chainsaw time in my near future. Tons of Russian olive, wild cherry, box elder and locust all over. That's a little overkill, LOL. I can't even justify the skid steer version Skip posted recently.
I got depressed walking the farm today, lots of chainsaw time in my near future. Tons of Russian olive, wild cherry, box elder and locust all over. That's a little overkill, LOL. I can't even justify the skid steer version Skip posted recently.
Cherry and box elder are pretty good wildelife trees to have.
Looks like a POS package. However, if Skip does get it, I'd be kind enuff to allow him some learning time on mine. (If he asked me nice). :cool:
I went to the forestry center while out in Portland years ago. They had a simulator of that first machine that you could play and get rated on how many trees you could process in a certain amount of time. I thought it was neat as heck back then. Still is. Would’ve enjoyed playing some more but there were kids wanting a shot
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I really don't mean to brag, but they certify operators on whether they can outpace me with my saw. Median certification time is 2 years. No big deal... :cool:
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