Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What to do, what to do

Nacho, you are talking about the rest timing right? It comes up within the last couple of inches of draw. I think I was catching the TT on the bounce and I didn't check the spring, good thought.

I don't know where the sight thing came from but while you brought it up I use a Pro Hunter micro sight. 5 feet of fiber completely incased in a clear sight housing, very bright and no way to break the fiber but it is one pin and adjustable. Works great in Colorado for the longer shots but when I hunt back here for deer I leave it locked in at 25 yards and adjust my shot if needed. This sight doesn't come with a light mount but I wish it did for use in a blind. I understand the reasons for argument of no lights on sights (especially for those who would use it for the wrong reason) but a lighted sight can be a real benefit in a blind and the fact is they aren't any more illegal than a range finder.

By the way I did a shoot at Nine Eagles last weekend and saw a Black Gold sight on a Drenalin bow one of the other guys had, very nice and bright site.
i miss read it....
like Nacho said, im a retard.....
however, id say the same thing for the rests.....
To tell you the truth it's shooting so good I don't want to mess with it. I'll probably do some more later but I'm enjoying some shooting right now. I'll put the TT back on the SQ2 where it shoots so good and keep the WhisperFlite on the Guardian for now. If everything holds true for me I'll shoot this through the summer and have it tuned in really good but the week before deer season opens I'll second guess myself and tare it all appart thinking I need to make a change.

I get buck fever before season even opens...
Check your axle to axle, your brace height and make sure your cams are in time. Even on a new bow this can be off. If your bow is in perfect tune, then try mounting the rest farther away from the string. Set it so it raises up in the last two inches of draw.

What kind of tares are you getting in paper?

Have you tried spraying foot powder on your arrow to see were it is hitting at?

Make sure the bow is in tune, set the center shot and level the arrow, then start adjusting from there. If you can't get it to clear from there take it to a proshop and they will help you out.

Maybe post some photos of your setup so we can all take a look at it.
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