Only experience I have with buttonbush is looking it up on-line. I saw this: "Warning: The poisonous foliage of this abundant and widespread species is unpalatable to livestock. The bitter bark has served in home remedies, but its medicinal value is doubtful." I copied that from: curious, can buttonbush be planted as seeds? What's the growth rate? I have some wet areas I would like to see some cover in also.
common reedI was deer hunting along the skunk river and one bottom land had something growing that had to be 10 feet tall and very thick. I saw several roosters, and it looks like deer could disappear in it. I'm not sure what it was though. Kind of reed like.
That looks great for pheasant and deer. Sorry for late response I have had a lot of issues logging in for some reason.common reedView attachment 120417
careful careful..... invasive. I have not planted any, i just see it all over the place in ditches, etc.That looks great for pheasant and deer. Sorry for late response I have had a lot of issues logging in for some reason.
Does the common reed grow fast? And is it from seed?