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What turkey season(s) are you hunting

What turkey season(s) are hunting this spring

  • Youth

    Votes: 10 12.2%
  • Archery

    Votes: 54 65.9%
  • Season 1

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • Season 2

    Votes: 9 11.0%
  • Season 3

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Season 4

    Votes: 28 34.1%

  • Total voters
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It is possible but camo head to toe is a must and you are probably not going to get the close up shot you want. The best way to get a double would be to set up a blind in a field they are useing with a real full strut gobbler decoy, close to the blind. Alot of times after shooting the first bird, and he is flopping around the other toms will come running over and beat the heck out of him. I use my same bow setup I use for deer, but no doubt an expandable would put him down quicker with a marginal shot. Just remember the vitals are small and dont take a frontal shot thru the breast.
I've had a couple coming in on me with out a blind but got busted both times. You can do it but its much harder.
It would be harder 1st-3rd seaso without a blind, but 4th season would be fairly easy I think due to the dense foliage at that time. I went down south once spotting and stalking 4th season and ended up killing a really nice bird. Buddy missed his fair share. I also killed another during 4th season walking in with my bow.
Archery for me, Taking a friends boy during youth season and I'll be calling for my dad during one of the gun seasons.
I get to take my mother turkey hunting this year! Never EVER hunted with my mom before. Says its on her bucket list, so....Gun for her, and bow for me. Hope to put up some pics in a few weeks...
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