Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what was the first bow you ever hunted with ?

I used a 6 wheel herters bow that was about 30 years old my dad gave me. It sounded like a shotgun going off. I never did get a deer with it, but I sure missed a couple with it!!
A 45# Jennings mini carbon extreme.
22 years ago I entered the woods with a PSE Phaser (must have been the hot bow that year eeh Shredder
) with orange gamegetters and Razorback 5's. I think it may have had a 13% let-off.
Jennings Forked Lightning, 2219 gamegetter II arrows flipper 2 rest bought it used in 1991 completely set up with arrows and broadheads for $35
My first bow was a Bear whitetail.(55 lbs). I got it around 1980.Shot my first deer in 1988. I still have it and its rigged for bowfishing. Its taken 100's of carp and gar.Its big,ugly and green, but I'll never get rid of it.
Here...I'll age myself. 50# Browning Bantam bow with graphlex arrows, which were a composite between fiberglass and graphite. Arrow rest was one of those little solid plastic jobbers and no self respecting bowhunter would've dreamed of anything so crazy as a sight or a release. Broadheads were the old solid one piece Bear heads with the slide through insert to make them four bladed. The archaic setup killed one of the bucks currently hanging on my wall

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