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What would you do?

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Doesn't seem stressful yet (Okay, a little) but, I'm glad I still have a tag in my pocket. I would rather spend time hunting the buck I'm after than shooting one I wouldn't be happy with over him. There's a few guys on the forum that have seen him, I was hoping they'd comment. What I'm seeing here is how many people have the patience to wait for that right buck to come by even if you're offered a 180s class buck. The buck I'm after to me is a buck of a lifetime. There can and will be more 180" bucks.

Solid answer. I think you made the right choice based on that reply. You have some quality deer where you hunt. I've probably only seen 2 or 3 180" deer in the 15 years I've been hunting.
Did you kill that other buck in the same area? If I was after one particular deer, I wouldn't be shooting anything else at the same place, no matter how many tags I had. Have you seen him since you shot the other one? May have pushed him away getting the other one out. He's probably not far but you may need to hit a high observation area for a day to see if you can find him... Pressure is pressure and deer don't get that big by being dumb.
I was obsessed with a great buck many years ago and that almost ruined that year for me. Lesson learned for me is to set my goals, don't limit the deer to one specific deer, and have fun. There is nothing wrong with having the discipline to hold out for a specific buck and if you, hold youself to that expectation to through the whole season. The signature statement at the end of all of my posts is something I would recommend for anyone.
I know the buck you are after and it is a special buck. But I don't know if I could have passed up a 180" deer for him.. But I'll be down next weekend to shoot the big one for ya
Good luck to you TH. Hope to see a kill pic of this slob soon. Hold true to what your gut is telling you.

For most guys that are truly passionate about bow hunting, there will be opportunities at 180's, but something 200" or better is usually once in a few lifetimes. I'd be holding out as well if I thought I had a legitimate shot at the big boy.

Good luck
Target bucks are enticing and to each their own but I try and follow the don't turn down a buck first week that I'd shoot on the last day.
I know what you are talking about, but I approached it a little bit differently than you did. I put an absolute bottom end on what I would shoot (still has to be mature). That way I still have both tags for the 160-180 buck that walked in while I am waiting for the once in a lifetime deer. Not knocking you at all!!! But instead of filling your tag with the one you did earlier you would have had it in your pocket for the 180 incher. I hate tagging out before rut anyhow, unless its a once in a lifetime deer or one I have lots of history with.
I'm not concluding your nuts for passing a 180. I will say it begs the question why kill a 151 if you wouldn't be happy with a 180?
If a buck that big got shot, chances are you'd hear about it. If he's a regular where you're hunting, it may just be a matter of time before he comes back/becomes visible again. Do you have cameras out? Maybe set out a few more to try and find him? If he's your target buck, and your mind is set on him, then I wouldn't feel bad about passing what you did. That being said, I don't think I, personally, would have been able to pass the 180. But if I had a 200" running around, maybe I'd have more restraint. Good luck!
I'm not sure why everyone is surprised he passed. This is the same kid who tried to make the argument that he would pass the Milo Hansen buck for the buck he's after.
Also you say he's not interested in does but didn't you just post a thread a few days back about your dad seeing THE deer chasing does all night from combine?
Also you say he's not interested in does but didn't you just post a thread a few days back about your dad seeing THE deer chasing does all night from combine?

I haven't seen him chasing does, my Dad did from the combine. From what I've observed he's not interest in them. I've seen him WITH does but I haven't seen him chasing does.
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