Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What would you do?

View media item 110543View media item 110543I have a spot about .25 acre that I'd like to do a plot in. It is at the northern tip of a 10 acre field that will be CP42 with clover firebreak all the way around it. The other three sides of the .25 acre area is timber (20 acres) with steep ravines and creek bottom. Trails already converge in this .25 acre area.

The neighbors have a 5 acre corn plot about 1000' straight north of this spot. That plot is surrounded by crp. To the west of this spot 1000' is corn/beans on rotation.

What would you plant here? I do want to hunt it with my kids during youth shotgun season if it makes sense. I have other spots to hunt the rut. If there would still be food source here for muzzy that'd be great but I don't have high expectations for that given it's size.

Trying to attach a photo. Food plots (including this small one in center of the photo) are in red. Crp is blue. Crop fields are green.

Thanks in advance guys.
About your only option is a different clover than that is going in around the CR42. The size of the plot your putting in is to small to plant other things. The deer will graze it off. You could try chicory but they might eat it to the ground. Always remember deer like to roam and eat different things.
That's kinda what I figured. What size would I need to really make it something I could do more with? I'm thinking about taking some land out of pasture.
I put in a quarter acre of radishes this year that was hit pretty hard from late September to mid November and withstood the pressure very well. If you've already got quality clover for the fire break, and a corn plot to the North, a little variety might work in your favor.
^^^^^^agree. Clover or something that takes major grazing. Need more space for other options. Radish can take SOME grazing. Same with Dbltree rye mix. 2 side things.... can u make any bigger? 2nd- being by trees- careful- tree roots fight for moisture & nutrients. Almost need a subsoiler around edge for tree roots to field.
Dbltree section will have tons of info.
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Thanks guys. I can't really make this spot bigger. Wish I had done regular CRP in the field rather than pollinator. Didn't realize until after signing that I couldn't do 10% in food plot. Maybe I'll just have to buy an acre out of the contract or something.
Actually be great idea!!! How much it cost u? Could also do some aggressive weed tree removal (say topping trees off) in area just in woods to create more browse, nutrition & attraction too.
Thanks guys. I can't really make this spot bigger. Wish I had done regular CRP in the field rather than pollinator. Didn't realize until after signing that I couldn't do 10% in food plot. Maybe I'll just have to buy an acre out of the contract or something.
Being as its a new contract cost would be minimal to buy out. You would have to justify cost over length of contract. Good thing about buying back an acre is you decide where it would be. Could give you an option for 2 half acre plots. Might make it easier when dealing with all of the s winds we tend to get anymore. 2 plots could help your setup and options to be able to hunt more often!
Bigger would definitely be better, but you'd also have a chance with turnips. If you hit a rain after seeding they typically outgrow browse pressure pretty quickly. A good turnip plot is tough to beat for youth season. Good luck!

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