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whats goin on in jones county?

cody dusenberry

New Member
hey guys and gals, im hunting up by olin and hale area and was woundering what everyone else was seeing up around the area. had tons of nice shooters but as of sep havnt seen a single buck. took one doe back in oct but after that havnt seen anything.
Early in the mornings and right at last light have been pretty good the past week. Not a whole lot of cruising going on in the middle of the day in the area I'm hunting, but have seen 2 shooters so far, just been outta range
hey man thanks for the comeback on that. sounds like i gotta hit the stand in the am. hopfuly do that friday and saturday. good luck this year hope one of those shooters come in for ya.
Hey.. im from wilton also.. just hunted up in jones co last saturday and saw several bucks chasing does in the morning.. heading back up on friday
yeah im gonna head up friday night and hunt saturday morning. would like to go tomorrow am but gotta go visit the dang doctor.
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