Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

What's he score?


New Member
Got pics of this guy working over a small natural scrape that I doctored up a bit to make more appealing. I found his left side shed from last year, so I have a decent idea of what he'll score this year. He really wanted me to get a good look at him this year, I only got 3 pics of him, but they couldn't have been much better angles. I'm interested in everyone's opinion. I'll give everyone a chance to guess, then post what his shed from last year scores, and give you an idea of what I'm thinking.
Have fun!!

I love the character of that rack! He is a great buck. I'm going to guess 165-170 with minimal deductions. He has good mass, and length, along with decent width from what I can see.
Good looking buck. I would guess in the 150's. Good luck with him. If he makes it another year he will really be a dandy.
I'd say he'll gross within a couple inches either side of 160 and net low 150's. How's 153 6/8 for a guess?
NO WAY FELLAS!! That deer will be lucky to go over 140. It is a nice buck but he does not have much mass. If his mass were greater he would be in the 150 range. But he is pencil-ly.
Thanks for your input fellas. I always like seeing how close I can get to the actual score. Hopefully, I'll be able to tell everyone the exact score soon!! His left side shed from last year was a typical 6, he dropped the G5 this year, but looks to have added some length to his tines, mostly his brows, and also his main beam. The shed scores 67". I'm guessing he's added 4-5 inches per side, which with an 18" spread puts him right around the 155-160" mark. He does look thin on mass, but, had 18+" in mass (all at least 4") last year, so I'm assuming it's that again this year. Thanks for all the guesses. I'm checking my camera again today, so hopefully I'll have a few more shots of him and some of his big friends??? By this pic, I would guess this deer to be 3.5 years old, but that would mean he had close to a 150" rack as a 2.5 yo, possible, but, I'm guessing he was a 3.5 last year and 4.5 this year? Anyone agree with that? Again, thanks for the guesses. Good luck hunting. It's starting to heat up here a bit in Kansas.
Good looking buck! Welcome to the site dropper. Always good to see another Kansan hop on board.
Im with BickBuckDown, Im guessing 140" maybe a little more, but I just don't see it in the mass.
My quess is alot lower than anyones, I am thinking 140ish. I also think he is no older than 3 1/2. Maybe he is bigger than he looks?
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