Monster Doe
You're missing a key point there Mr. Land of the Free yada yada yada.....it's not up to people from Kentucky or Michigan, it's up to Iowans and our legislature. You and Nonres alone are changing my opinion on NR hunters-from bad to worse. Your pompous and elitist attitudes are making a strong case for what is really happening in Iowa right now.....Deer hunting feudalism. Or to borrow from Scout, "The King's Deer" so to speak.
Usually your posts are well informed and insightful, but this time I disagree with you. Your replies are laced with apathy and fatalistic cliches, i.e. "cookies crumbling" and whatnot, and if most IA hunters feel that way we're doomed. From previous posts I gather you are fortunate enough to own land, so this issue probably doesn't hit home with you like it does your average Iowan. WE CAN make a difference and stem the tide of NR invaders if we could agree on something and unite. Petition our legislators to cut the # of NR tags and significantly raise prices. And don't try and tell me they still won't pay, because they will.
Some will say, "What if Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, or any other "desirable" hunting destination did the same? How would you feel then? The answer is just fine. I'll just stick to good ol Iowa whitetails.
I call on the IBA, the powers that be at iowawhitetail.com, and the DNR to voice their opinions on these matters, for you are the ones with the real power. Unless you don't care, then nevermind.
Usually your posts are well informed and insightful, but this time I disagree with you. Your replies are laced with apathy and fatalistic cliches, i.e. "cookies crumbling" and whatnot, and if most IA hunters feel that way we're doomed. From previous posts I gather you are fortunate enough to own land, so this issue probably doesn't hit home with you like it does your average Iowan. WE CAN make a difference and stem the tide of NR invaders if we could agree on something and unite. Petition our legislators to cut the # of NR tags and significantly raise prices. And don't try and tell me they still won't pay, because they will.
Some will say, "What if Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, or any other "desirable" hunting destination did the same? How would you feel then? The answer is just fine. I'll just stick to good ol Iowa whitetails.
I call on the IBA, the powers that be at iowawhitetail.com, and the DNR to voice their opinions on these matters, for you are the ones with the real power. Unless you don't care, then nevermind.