This is a subject with many angles to it IMO. Personally, I don't like seeing hunting develop into a sport where only the rich can afford to hunt a buck. ( I suppose that is a pun.) I have read comments on this site and heard other discussion elsewhere that seems to suggest that the landowner(s) can hunt the desirables(bucks) and the rabble can come in and hunt the less desirable(does). Whether residents or NR's buy the land, this stratification is what is happening right now and it shouldn't be a shock to folks that not everyone is happy about it.
On one hand you could say that this is the free market system at work though, money talks and the best of whatever it is goes to the high bidder, in this case it is prime deer habitat in a region that is friendly to growing mature animals.
Another viewpoint would be to say that Iowa hunters/voters could organize and pursue legislation that let's us gun hunt during the rut. This would lead to a harvest of many more bucks, most of the 1 1/2 year old variety. ( We would only be matching up with surrounding states with many more deer and vast amounts of deer habitat by doing this BTW.) Then the "quality" of the buck hunting would be on par with other states and folks would not have a reason to come here and buy land.
I am OK with the notion with "pay for play", whether I have to buy my way in or pay for a lease, etc. But I don't like being in competition with hunters from other states, where the wages paid are often quite a bit higher than rural Iowa areas, who can't manage their own herds and then come to Iowa where there has been a different, better approach taken on a macro level. ( This is certainly not to say that everyone in Iowa pursues QDM strategies, but plenty do and the overall approach to seasons, bag limits, etc, does produce big bucks way beyond what many other states do.)
Maybe we native Iowan deer hunters are a selfish lot, but then so are South Dakota pheasant and waterfowl hunters, Arkansas duck hunters, Arizona elk hunters, etc. I have heard very similar viewpoints from some of these folks too concerning non-residents coming to their state and hunting "their" game.
All that said, I say no to non-resident land owners being guaranteed a tag. Don't buy the land and then complain about the situation that you knew about ahead of time. Guaranteed non-resident tags would only exacerbate the situation and there would be fewer "common" Iowans able to afford to hunt their own state. If we all spent as much time properly managing the deer herds in our respective states as we do arguing what rights non-residents should have in Iowa, we would all be better off.
As far as taxes paid and rights owed... what is happening in several areas is that folks are buying land and then putting it into forest reserve, thereby removing the property from the tax roles. So much for the concept of the altruistic land buyer supporting the local economy, etc.