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What's in this food plot?


PMA Member
So.. This isn't as much for whitetail management as it is for pheasants, but, I hope it will help out both. I have probably 7 or 8 acres of land where I live that I want to make a pheasant heaven out of and be able to attract a few deer to also. I like the looks of this picture and want it to look something like this. I think it is milo that is planted for the food source. What is the other stuff planted between it? It looks like really thick grass or reeds or something??

It looks to me like strips of milo (grain sorghum) and strips of forage sorghum or sorghum x sudan grass or possible egyptian wheat?

Looks like a pheasant haven for sure!

Pheasants Forever has some awesome mixes that would look very much like that! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Sweet... Thanks. I basically want something that wont get too high (preferalbly not over waist/chest high), will still be really thick, and provide a good food source for the winter.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AIRASSAULT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sweet... Thanks. I basically want something that wont get too high (preferalbly not over waist/chest high), will still be really thick, and provide a good food source for the winter. </div></div>

It would be well worth it to join Pheasants Forever and then you should be able to get free or low cost sorghum/milo mixes from them /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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