Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

what's it score?

Madison B&C,

My mistake I thought we were scoring it in inches not centimeters. Just Kidding

I estimated ironwood (dad) to be 7'2" about 325lbs thats why my score came in 9" short.

Seriously where was pupster off with his measurements?

Thanks, Nonres
Not much for deductions there. Good main beams and decent circumferences at base. Nice buck!

Gross 141
Net 138
Jeeze, just when I thought I was getting better at this stuff. I'll blame it on the photo.

You've got a 160" 8pt? Holy cow, any pictures? I just love big 8pts.

Nice deer, I'd take him every time!!
Here are the measurments:

Inside spread___20 2/8
MB___23 0/8___23 0/8_______---
G-1___4 0/8____4 0/8_______---
G-2__10 2/8___10 2/8_______---
G-3___7 6/8____8 1/8_______3/8
G-4____---_____1 6/8______1 6/8

H-1___5 4/8____5 4/8________---
H-2___5 2/8____5 2/8________---
H-3___5 1/8____5 1/8________---
H-4___4 2/8____4 4/8________2/8

Tot. 65 1/8____67 4/8______2 3/8

Gross score: 152 7/8

Net score: 150 4/8
Pupster really nails this thing if you compare with the actual measurement. Mass was the only large difference. These are his numbers from an earlier post. Way to go Pupster!

22" mainbeams (44" total)
21" spread
G1 4" each (8" total)
G2 10" each (20" total)
G3 8" each (16" total)
G4 2" (left side only-deduct 2")
All circ. average 4.5" (36" total)
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