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What's next for Republicans?


agree with a lot of this & variety of opinions is great. I get that some folks “don’t like Trump”. On the other hand…. I can’t stand Nikki Haley…. Gets out of office (after being trump’s ambassador) & gets crazy rich super fast. On Boeings board & involved in all the pro war (industrial military complex) factions & companies making weapons that want war. She’s the same as what The R’s had in the past…. Dick Cheney, Bush, Neo-cons, etc - war mongering sell outs to the IMC. She woulda been owned by deep state, establishment & waring factions. She clearly demonstrated she could & would get rich from the office. Problem 101 with the political system now. Same problem both sides. RFK is infinitely better than Haley!!!! It’s establishment vs outsiders.

& side topic in general to anyone, when I hear “I can’t stand Trump (personally)”…. A few thoughts every time …. 1) can you stand Briben? The guy is a bafoon. Clearly corrupt. Clearly creepy & has a long history of both rape & incestual type allegations (Tara Reade & Ashley Biden’s diary for example). He’s got more evidence of corruption & bribery than possibly even the Clintons. 2) are trump-haters actually hanging out with trump or something?!?!? Does he need to be like the pastor of your church? Can God use flawed people for good things? Of course. He’s the George Patton of politics. & Briben’s media broadcasts any nugget they think will make u hate Trump while playing defense for the opposition 3) your hatred of Trump will over-ride: being on cusp of WW 3 now? Trump kept us out of wars. Invasion of tens of millions at border. Afghanistan collapse that gave terrorists $80B in war weapons & got Americans killed. Crime gone out of control. Inflation out of control. Your wages worth a fraction of what they were. Trade deficits back to disasters as we coddle Chinas demands. We fund Ukraine’s wars & send our $ over seas. Really- any metric u can measure from economy to violence to drugs to spending, WHATEVER - all wildly worse off. Our country going down the tubes with a vegetable at the helm is better than a guy u simply hate that was better (not perfect but BETTER) on every basic metric you can look at? That’s insanity. That’s the power of the media & ignorance in this country demonstrated when folks that buy into that garbage.
Good points. I liked Haley better than Trump because I felt she would give Republicans a better chance to get Biden out of office. You're not wrong about politicians making lots of money from being in office and Haley very well could have been controlled in office. Listening to RFK talking about the issues the other 2 candidates are not is what has me concerned. That Blackrock is buying up single family homes at a rate where they will own 60% of them by 2030. Once they control the housing does anyone think that's good for us or our kids. These same big companies helping to rebuild the current war torn countries for their own financial gain while often we send our men and women into danger zones as collateral damage for their greed. The American people fund the wars and what are we getting in return? We print more money every year and wonder why inflation keeps going up and our dollar value plummets. Our country is more sick than other industrialized countries and we're not asking why. The border is also a mess. Big tech censoring speech. Big corporations poisoning our food with all these processed foods and nothing is done. So many issues and this election is very important. Good discussion leads to more informed voters as long as one keeps an open mind. For now I still think RFK gives us the best chance to address these issues but I respect others choices and am grateful to live in a country where I still have a choice for now at least.
If you have time...listen to some you tube documentaries on the French revolution. The similarities are eerie, we're no where as bad of they were in the late 1700's but so many parallels. Skip's statement about being ran by fools is spot on...
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the last year I drew a Iowa tag was 2020, all the way down to Iowa from Wisconsin I think I saw 5 Biden signs. Every town was overwhelmingly showing Trump sign. Couldn't believe it on election day when the news was out, glad I was able to get in a tree.
I drove from Western MN to Western IA quite a few times during the 2020 fall election. It was 100-1 Trump signs . The funniest thing I saw was a farmer with like 8 corn stalks left and big sign that said Biden corn maze .
What's next for all of us? Watch the 'satire' "Idiocracy". The dumbing down of our society is playing out like clockwork.

So much of it is cringe worthy instead of funny now. Get your children enrolled in a home / private school 'Classical Model' educational program. You won't regret it.

I sort of liked Haley early on, but after researching her, there's no way I would vote for her. Desantis is/was our best candidate, I believe. I personally do not see Trump winning in 24 with the years of bad MSM shoved down our throats, and now that he's a convicted felon, plus the powers that be will play all of the same 2020 election games to guarantee a Biden win.

I'll hold my nose and vote for Trump if he is the GOP candidate, but I'd NEVER follow the guy into a revolutionary war. I like his policy more than any Democrat, but can't stomach the man. (There was someone who mentioned General George S. Patton being a real SOB as a person, but he was guy we needed for the job at that specific time. I researched him and came to agree with their statement.)
There is a saying in politics: “Signs don’t vote”.

Moving on…

This is the greatest country in the world. We are weathering the global economic problems (inflation) better than the rest of the world. Part of why we are the leader of the free world is our ability to project power and influence friends and foes in a meaningful way. If that changes we are not going to be in the same place we have been since the end of the Second World War.

It peeves me to hear this bullshit that our country is declining. It is also destructive. It needs to end. “This lady may have stumbled, but she ain’t never fell. And if the Russians don’t believe it they can all go straight to hell.” (Charlie Daniels in the 80’s. Those same bastards are still the problem. Axis of evil. Hasn’t changed.)

We will weather the current appeasement coming out of Washington. We will weather the border bs. What we won’t weather is “revolution”. My God. It is distasteful and un-American to utter anything that even suggests that. It’s disgusting.

Two terrible choices. One is a whiner that is supposedly a strongman but plays the victim card for years at a time. Boo hoo. The other- a serial bad decision maker locked into identity politics so securely that his absolutely incompetent vp cannot be swapped for a capable candidate.

We will get through this. But getting back to the original question- we gotta make a course correction. MTG and her ilk are an embarrassment. The revenge type bs that the party engages in looks petty and stupid. It’s 2024 and we are still fixated on Fauchi. The party is still stoking the crazies who are making death threats against… his family.

To go forward: Someone has to start acting like adults. Quit with all this whiny grievance nonsense. Lead. Do it in the framework that has been working for a couple hundred years.

We are better than this. It’s time to show it.
There is a saying in politics: “Signs don’t vote”.

Moving on…

This is the greatest country in the world. We are weathering the global economic problems (inflation) better than the rest of the world. Part of why we are the leader of the free world is our ability to project power and influence friends and foes in a meaningful way. If that changes we are not going to be in the same place we have been since the end of the Second World War.

It peeves me to hear this bullshit that our country is declining. It is also destructive. It needs to end. “This lady may have stumbled, but she ain’t never fell. And if the Russians don’t believe it they can all go straight to hell.” (Charlie Daniels in the 80’s. Those same bastards are still the problem. Axis of evil. Hasn’t changed.)

We will weather the current appeasement coming out of Washington. We will weather the border bs. What we won’t weather is “revolution”. My God. It is distasteful and un-American to utter anything that even suggests that. It’s disgusting.

Two terrible choices. One is a whiner that is supposedly a strongman but plays the victim card for years at a time. Boo hoo. The other- a serial bad decision maker locked into identity politics so securely that his absolutely incompetent vp cannot be swapped for a capable candidate.

We will get through this. But getting back to the original question- we gotta make a course correction. MTG and her ilk are an embarrassment. The revenge type bs that the party engages in looks petty and stupid. It’s 2024 and we are still fixated on Fauchi. The party is still stoking the crazies who are making death threats against… his family.

To go forward: Someone has to start acting like adults. Quit with all this whiny grievance nonsense. Lead. Do it in the framework that has been working for a couple hundred years.

We are better than this. It’s time to show it.
I really appreciate hearing diverse POV’s!!! & I sincerely appreciate all that can express diverse views respectfully. Thank u!!

Really quick…
Most countries & empires make it 5-500 years. The collapse is almost always 1 or a host of things….
1) massive corruption. Leading to debt, incompetence, aiding the enemies, etc etc.
2) unchecked immigration & invasion. Collapsing the system but more-so, changing the cultural or religious fabric.
3) overtaken by other countries or empires.
4) civil war.
5) financial collapse which could be from any of these: inflation, war, unsustainable taxes/spending, a debt that can’t be paid back or more taking from the system than contributing.

I’m an optimist & a realist. We live in a fallen world that will always repeat many of the pitfalls of history. I would argue that if we look at what’s going on in our country today vs what has ended thousands of countries/empires of the past…. Id make the case we are doing most of the things par with other countless other countries in history that are no longer around.
Westwind— we do not just move on from Fauci. He hid the origin of the coronavirus from the public, he paid doctors and medical professionals to back the safety of the vaccine (which had caused many deaths and disabilities).

He admitted to making up the 6 foot social distance and his recommendation of closing schools and many businesses caused massive stress & problems in the US.

This guy doesn’t get to just get away with it . He will be part of the huge class action lawsuits which will start in the next few years as the immunity of the drug companies is over this year (2024)!
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I really appreciate hearing diverse POV’s!!! & I sincerely appreciate all that can express diverse views respectfully. Thank u!!

Really quick…
Most countries & empires make it 5-500 years. The collapse is almost always 1 or a host of things….
1) massive corruption. Leading to debt, incompetence, aiding the enemies, etc etc.
2) unchecked immigration & invasion. Collapsing the system but more-so, changing the cultural or religious fabric.
3) overtaken by other countries or empires.
4) civil war.
5) financial collapse which could be from any of these: inflation, war, unsustainable taxes/spending, a debt that can’t be paid back or more taking from the system than contributing.

I’m an optimist & a realist. We live in a fallen world that will always repeat many of the pitfalls of history. I would argue that if we look at what’s going on in our country today vs what has ended thousands of countries/empires of the past…. Id make the case we are doing most of the things par with other countless other countries in history that are no longer around.
I appreciate the kind words! I really try not to be inflammatory. We all have too much of that in our lives already.

Also I really appreciate all of your posts. My mineral program started a couple months ago and I pretty much cloned what you are doing. Also, I don't know which post of yours it came from but I was laying in bed the other night, eyes wide open, thinking "I GOTTA GET MY MACRO's AND MICRO's RIGHT!."

I agree with everything you posted. I think that's why we have to get our act together.

Going to try an analogy here. It's kind of like an old tractor that doesn't run. I'm sure its the injector pump, but an injector pump is $1,200 and I'm not sure this old tractor is worth it. But I go out to the shed and put a wrench to it. I do some adjusting and some cleaning and I get it running pretty good. I STILL think that injector pump is going to go at any minute but I end up using the tractor for another 8 years. I realize that the tractor was worth more than I ever had expected but I had to put some work into it.

I don't think we are putting the work in. I think we are fighting and arguing and getting in the way of the work getting done.

Look at the border. It is a problem and all countries need to have secured borders to control who comes in and out. It's not racist or wrong. It's necessary. We tried to twist arms to get something done and it didn't work. Until it did. then when we got offered part of what we wanted, we didn't take it. Now mind you, I work with foreign nationals every day. Some are cartel affiliated. I see the influx of chinese nationals some of whom are diverted to criminal enterprises. I see these effects every day. It sure would have been nice to slow the crisis sometime before next winter. That bothers me.

I don't think we are doomed. I think the longer we put off maintaining our equipment, the harder it will be to keep it all running.
Westwind— we do not just move on from Fauci. He hid the origin of the coronavirus from the public, he paid doctors and medical professionals to back the safety of the vaccine (which had caused many deaths and disabilities).

He admitted to making up the 6 foot social distance and his recommendation of closing schools and many businesses caused massive stress & problems in the US.

This guy doesn’t get to just get away with it . He will be part of the huge class action lawsuits which will start in the next few years as the immunity of the drug companies is over this year (2024)!
I think what we did was pretty similar to what other developed countries did.

Class action lawsuits. Fantastic. Lets make some trial attorneys filthy rich for a $100 check. Hope they don't buy the farms next to me. The only person that makes money in a class action is the attorneys. It's disgusting.

Man, 2020 sucked for me. My daughter lost a high school sports season where she would have set all kinds of records and beat her sisters numbers. It got cancelled. I was coaching a youth sports team. I tried my best to keep everything together. In the end me and my staff of 3 Republican coaches cancelled our trip to a national tournament we probably would have won. Should have gone. We didn't know.

I'm over it. It's 2024. We are all older and wiser. Bigger fish to fry.
I’m for Trump in very basic terms:
1) the illegal immigration has to stop & be reversed. Border was dissolved after Briben got in. Trump (or even RFK) are only chance this madness is turned around
2) deep state & establishment need major overhaul & there’s no doubt Trump (or RFK) would bring fight to that. Briben is part of it.
3) Trump knows best way to fight inflation is to use the fuel WE OWN & energy costs are #1 way to lower inflation. For fuel we cut ourselves off of & just buy from hostile countries. That alone is insanity!! & im Absolutely for the environment…. Nuclear probably our most likely/best solution.
4) all violence across all categories…crime, drugs, WW3!!!!!!, u name it. Briben & Industrial military complex will always want wars & keep them going. Do your self a favor & look up what Eisenhower said about the industrial military complex.. why is that? Why did he wait til end of term? He realized how evil & entrenched they were. He did it at the end either believing they’d kill him before (like they did Kennedy) or since his term was over - since he was home free & he owed the country this major warning. There’s no doubt it’s the same “forces” that have gone “six ways to Sunday” to destroy Trump for 8-9 years now!!! Anyone else would have been destroyed and he’s as strong as ever.
5) a punch back at the growing movement that hates this country. Hates God, loves atheism & celebrates anything vial. It’s gotten really sick & way out of hand the last 10-20 years.

I agree he needs to dial back spending & was a problem 1st term. I believe he’s a flawed man that will never fix “your problems” even close to completely… I think we just want government off our backs! He says some dumb things and the media echos it over & over. I do believe he loves this country & wants many things fixed. I watched our VA get fixed & I used to spend a lot of time in them. watched our trade deficits improve. I watched patriotic folks have a louder voice. I watched peace across world advance NO QUESTION!!! I watched Roe VS wade get overturned (it doesn’t solve it but holy cow)! I said I’m a realist…. 4 years won’t fix our messes. Some areas might improve. We still a fallen world & any “man” is not our answer to any true issue. We also have free will & a pretty stark choice. There’s no doubt in this one schmucks mind- we can see what the last 4 years have been. U can’t tell me I didn’t see what I did for 4 years- an unmitigated disaster & embarrassing stain in history!! The vegetable has to go.
You may be over it, but a lot of others who had family members die or disabled from the vaccine are not !
I hate to hear that anyone is having health problems. I am truly unaware of anyone that has happened to and haven’t heard or read anything about it. I don’t watch any 24 hour news channel, don’t do much social media, maybe that’s why.
I hate to hear that anyone is having health problems. I am truly unaware of anyone that has happened to and haven’t heard or read anything about it. I don’t watch any 24 hour news channel, don’t do much social media, maybe that’s why.
I lost my Aunt. She got the vaccine because she wanted to visit my newborn daughter at the time (her choice not our requirement) and less than 24 hours after she passed away- we know several between family friends that had that sort of story happen.
I really appreciate hearing diverse POV’s!!! & I sincerely appreciate all that can express diverse views respectfully. Thank u!!

Really quick…
Most countries & empires make it 5-500 years. The collapse is almost always 1 or a host of things….
1) massive corruption. Leading to debt, incompetence, aiding the enemies, etc etc.
2) unchecked immigration & invasion. Collapsing the system but more-so, changing the cultural or religious fabric.
3) overtaken by other countries or empires.
4) civil war.
5) financial collapse which could be from any of these: inflation, war, unsustainable taxes/spending, a debt that can’t be paid back or more taking from the system than contributing.

I’m an optimist & a realist. We live in a fallen world that will always repeat many of the pitfalls of history. I would argue that if we look at what’s going on in our country today vs what has ended thousands of countries/empires of the past…. Id make the case we are doing most of the things par with other countless other countries in history that are no longer around.
Most of these boxes have been checked.
I hate to hear that anyone is having health problems. I am truly unaware of anyone that has happened to and haven’t heard or read anything about it. I don’t watch any 24 hour news channel, don’t do much social media, maybe that’s why.
I know 2 coworkers, both from the Pfizer booster. One has the enlarged heart issue and the other severe arthritis in his hip.
Trump should have fired Fauci when he had the chance. Trump also green lit 'Operation Warp Speed'.

Due to personal experiences, research and education, my immediate family was one of 'Those' families who did NOT comply. Too bad more people didn't. The next 'Plandemic', the powers that be will double and triple down, guaranteed. The general world and American populations really showed their true colors and a good majority of them will immediately roll over again. Sad.
Both Megan Kelly & Chris Cuomo have admitted to having medical complications from the shot .

A high number of former NFL players have died young recently. Is it from the vaccine, we don’t know ? But let’s do in an in depth study (not done by Pfizer or Moderna) so we do know !!
I lost my mother. She got the vax to travel to Italy to visit my sister. My sister was in the Army with Italy her last station. She stayed. My mother never made it. Within several weeks diagnosed with cancer that was so fast moving it couldn’t be treated. Diagnosed March 1 dead May 1. Also know two others in their 40s who died from fast moving cancer. Our govt lies, denies, and demands proof. Shameful.

Btw death certificate said Covid. Not kidding. No Covid ever mentioned. Such bullshit at the expense of good people’s lives. She worked as an ER nurse for 35 years saving lives and a corrupt greedy government and big pharma took hers.
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