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Whats the big deal?

Another touchy area. I know having a cell phone would have saved me at least two long walks over the years. The standers weren’t standing where they were supposed to be and left with out me after I pushed deer to them. It wasn’t long there after that I quit group hunting.

So is texting and using a cell phone while in your stand legal?

Fines whether they are from citations or court ordered go to the Iowa General Fund to be divvied up between all the hogs in the budgetary trough. So the “quota system” doesn’t put any more funds in the DNR budget. TIP of Iowa has a good deal going, when the judge levies a fine he also requires the guilty party to make a “donation” to TIP, so the money from the fines goes to the general fund, the donations go to TIP and court costs stay in the county. Traffic tickets are much the same but I think some of the fine goes to the school systems in the county the ticket as written in. Please correct me if I’m not right.

The ‘Bonker
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 180class</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tlambert</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 180class</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would think it would be fairly easy for the DNR to pinpoint who is abusing the radios and who is not. Couldn't they pick the signal up as they are flying over a group of hunters? </div></div>

Then they'd be having to waste time listening to conversations, with the rule as it is, you use a radio, you get a fine...nice and simple. </div></div>

I understand that the DNR is understaffed and overworked, but I don't think keeping laws "nice and simple" just to save them from having to do more of their JOB is necessarily a good thing. I wish I could keep things in my line of work "nice and simple" just to make things easier on me. </div></div>

When I say "nice and simple" I mean there is no question as to whether or not you were using the radio to give directions to where the deer were or just to let someone know where you were. It makes it simpler in the fact that there is no arguing the case. You either had the radio or you didn't, case closed.
With the advancement in cell phones, a quick call to everyone in a group befoe a drive is put on should take care of the accidents. 3 or 4 of the hunters are responsible for 3 or 4 in their group, then the leaders all call or text each other to ensure everyone is in place before a push is started would take care of it. It would take 10 minutes tops and be just as affective in ensuring safety.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fishbonker</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I know having a cell phone would have saved me at least two long walks over the years. The standers weren’t standing where they were supposed to be and left with out me after I pushed deer to them. It wasn’t long there after that I quit group hunting. </div></div>

So, Bonker, are you saying you can take a hint???? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Seems odd to me that a group can run coyotes using dogs wearing radio collars while riding in 4X4's talking on CB radios but you don't dare use any communication device deer hunting. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
Seems odd to me that a group can run coyotes using dogs wearing radio collars while riding in 4X4's talking on CB radios but you don't dare use any communication device deer hunting. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif[/quote] Well said JNRBRONC. Whats the diffrence? An animal is an animal. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
Coyotes are considered a nuisance species while whitetails are a big game high dollar species in Iowa?
Another plus to being allowed to use some sort of communication devices (besides the safety issue) is letting the group know when all tags are filled. I know that party hunting is not real popular with some people, but it's a part of Iowa hunting that I don't think is going away. I've heard about groups who shoot one or two deer beyond their tags during a drive. One group I know of called the CO and almost got ticketed for being over the limit with a stern warning that they used up their once in a lifetime pass. Being able to notify the group when tags are full part of the way through a drive would stop this. The only "alternative" is for some groups to leave the excess in the field.

Yes, I do see the potential for abuse of communication devices.
Until you smack one with your new truck then they are a nuisance. Coyotes you rarely see if not hunting them. Sometimes not even then.
Even if I hit a deer with a vehicle I would never consider them a nuisance, just an inconvenience at the time! Anyway, we can kick the ball back and forth forever it seems, opinions won't change... I'm glad they don't allow radios. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I'm glad they don't allow radios. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif



You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, as far as how much you allow technology to aid in the hunt.

Safety is more of a factor of proper hunt planning and hunters adhering to basic gun safety.
i quit hunting shotgun just because of this, no one knows where to be or, theyll argue on where they want to be, blocking, standing, ect, then try and use radios to figure it out? what out, they never had them yrs ago, so you dont need them now, if a experienced hunter knows that peice of land, you hunters go in here, here, & here, the blockers will be here-here& here. and well meet you at the other end. and dont move til were all done walking this section, dont need a radio to tell people that do ya?it should all be said before the drive.same as if you shot one , there was always someone close enough to relay the message to the hunting party, no cell phone needed there either.
OK let's look at it this way. You have a deer, maybe a Large NT buck. Who do you care more about, your fellow hunter or the animal? It's not about you having the chance at a large animal, it's about the safety of the hunter. This year we will have two kids on their first shotgun hunt with the group. I would rather they know exactly where someone is and be watching for the person instead of the deer. I bow hunt and shotgun hunt, I am just as happy shooting a doe as I am a buck. I think sometimes everyone forgets that our fore fathers hunted to put meat on their table and not after the All Mighty 200" buck. I wish that the hunter mentallity would be more about putting meat on the table and less about the antlers. Maybe then the outfitters leasing all the private ground and the non residents running up the price of ground would start to disappear. The good old days where you could go to your neighbors house and ask him to hunt and he didn't tell you that he has it leased to xyz outfitting. I miss this and know that my two son's will never ever be able to do it saddens me because of it. Sorry for the rant, but when I see people saying there never use to have radios and they were safe back then is kind of like saying that they never had safety harness so why do you need to use them.
Safety? I guess if Safety is a concern, then maybe you should reconsider the group you are hunting with. If I know one guy in the group who would take an iffy shot, then peace out. There is no deer worth a slug going remotely in my direction!

Statistically more hunters are shot by the trucks during Gun season then in the field. Should need a radio to be safe when you are within whispering distance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you not want radio's? Is it because they could be used to help someone kill a deer? Maybe a deer you have been watching and never got? What's the deal. Are you that much of a fanatic. People they are DEER. Yes, it feels great when you put in your time and shoot a big old booner, do you pass deer and eat tag soup because the big one never presented it's self to you? I think that is what is wrong with society today, everyone is looking out for themselves instead of giving a helping hand. If you eat tag soup three out of four years because you want to get the "Big One", then that is a problem. I am just as much of a accomplish hunter as the next guy, but I have changed my priorities. I have kids that I am trying to keep in the hunting tradition and anyway I can keep them safe and give them a enjoyable hunt, I am willing to do it. If you step back for a moment and ask yourself why it is you are hunting and think of all the nosense that you have bought, tried or thought of while hunting, you can sometimes see why non hunters think we are nuts. Just my opinion but it is a strong opinion. I have written my State Rep and Senator several times on the issue. As far as the group I hunt with, they are the safest guys I know, but it's that one time something happens, is why I am concerned. I have had hunters in our group get lost on the land we hunt and end up 5 miles from where they were suppose to be. Had it be one of the older guys in our group and it was in one of the blizzards we have had during 1st season, it could have been a big problem. You ever fallen down a ditch in the timber? There are a lot of other things when it comes to safety then shooting. See you are looking at as shooting safety, I am looking at the big picture. Whispering distance? Have you ever shotguned with a group? Some of the ground we cover is 2 miles by 2 miles wide. No whispering distance. Not trying to be a jerk, just trying to point out that there are more things that need to be looked at other than herding deer with radio's.
Trust me, the DNR does not like to see cell phones either. Last year I was sitting in my truck talking to my mom on the phone, telling about the big deer I had just shot. He came up to my window, grabbed the phone from my ear and proceeded to ask her questions. Thinking that she was hunting. He wanted to give me a ticket, and I told him where to go. Pry wasnt my smartest move, but he let me go, and told me not to have my phone with me again. Needless to say, last year hunting in all that ice, it was essential to have someone to communicate. What happens if I would have slipped down a hillside and broke both my legs or something odd? I now am only muzzleloading, but I think the DNR needs to back off a bit.
Now I also see the side to people using them to herd deer, because I see it done every year. But when you call the DNR to report it, they say they are working on bigger things anyways. So again, its just one of those fine areas. I do not agree with using them to help you hunt, the safety aspect I see. But I see many more people abuse everything, than take advantage of the good things.
I still see people herd deer with there trucks, shoot out the windows, and all of the other stupid crap people do. Even when you call the DNR and they say they have bigger things going on, well how? I think stuff like that is pretty big, and thats why I no longer will shotgun, or really give the DNR is my area the respect that they should get, as much as I hate to say it. honest, hard hunting people like most of us do everything the right way, and have to watch the few bad apples in the bunch ruin everything. Just doesnt seem right, but thats life.
Im in no way trying to start an argument, just throwing my 2 cents out...
RULES,RULES,RULES. Who makes them and why? OK its BS. Sorry fellas its ok to shoot does in iowa with a high power but it too dangerous to shoot bucks in iowa BS!!!! Granted im glad we cant harvest bucks with a hp and thats why we have the bucks we do but safety issue on the hp? HELL NO!!! Its all about the mighty dollar fellas. Just like seatbelts who in the living ____ made this BS law? Kids yes, adults who cares should be up to YOU!!!!! MONEY MONEY MONEY!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flugge</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Trust me, the DNR does not like to see cell phones either. Last year I was sitting in my truck talking to my mom on the phone, telling about the big deer I had just shot. He came up to my window, grabbed the phone from my ear and proceeded to ask her questions. Thinking that she was hunting. He wanted to give me a ticket, and I told him where to go.</div></div>

Wow! If I would have been in your shoes, I'm pretty sure I would have been taking a trip to jail. I have a bad temper that usually gets me in trouble. I'm pretty sure that would have been the case here. This gets me p:ssed just reading it.
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