PMA Member
bloodhoundhandler, you make a great point. I ate a lot of tags the last few years, and stressed myself out a whole bunch, always waiting for a bigger deer to come along. I wanted to be one of that elite crowd that always got the big one. This year I turned 55, got my AARP card and started thinking about the number of seasons I have left. It was a sobering thought, and it started a change in my shooting standards. Young bucks will still get a pass from me, but when those heavier racked, 125 inch,8 pointers come out and scatter the field, giving me that sought after adrenaline rush, I'm drawing back with no apologies. Deer hunting should be about appreciating the outdoors in every aspect, not just the number of inches a buck has grown. To those of you who won't settle for anything less than a buck you can bring to the the Deer Classic, more power to you, and I'm a little jealous of you, but I'm not competing anymore. I sent pics of my buck to Bonker with a note saying in effect, I was a little ashamed he wasn't bigger. Bonker, bless his heart, sent a short reply. "It ain't about the size, it's about the memories!" There are many threats to Iowa's hunting and they are all related. Teaching the next generation that there's more to it than the size of the antlers would solve many of them. Wouldn't it be great if kids were more excited about the number of inches their oak tree plantings grew than the number of inches that buck grew? Wouldn't that be a brighter future?