What's the weather like up there?


New Member
Leaving tomorrow morning for Madison county. What's the weather forecast and deer movement like?
its been hot...high 70's. But this weekend should be highs in the 50's and 60's. As for deer movement...I hunt in madison county myself and so do a few other friends and we haven't seen much movement lately. Hopefully this weekend will be better. Good Luck to ya.
Very warm here in SE Iowa with limited deer movement. They are calling for rain Wed. night, I hate to see the rain come, it is nice to be able to hear the deer coming 50 yards or better. Those leaves are so dry they can't sneak in so easy. I am down to just 4 days vacation time in need some cooler weather, I did have a nice 8 point 140 class come in 20 yards away and never got in a shooting lane that I felt was a good shot. I just hope that is not my only chance at a nice buck.
