I would have to say that my harvest criteria is not a perfectly static deal. For the most part I will limit myself to 4 year old bucks and above, but in some situations I have pulled the trigger on a 3 year old. I do that quite a bit less these days than I would have years ago, but it has happened. I haven't shot a 1 or 2 year old in years and years.
I like the challenge of waiting for the older deer, yes, but I also hunt to have fun, relax and enjoy myself outdoors. So after having set my standards at such a high level for a few years that all I was doing was driving myself nuts waiting for a buck I may never see and that may not even be there, I dropped it back some in my mind to where I have a reasonable chance at success and still let the little guys grow up.
I admire those that will only shoot a 5 year old or older, no matter what, but for me, given a wide range of variables, I do not hold myself to that high of a standard. I also cannot remember the last time I shot more than one buck in a season, so once I shoot a nice one I focus on doe management or setting others up for a nice hunt.
I am blessed to have my own farm to hunt and it is in a good area, but I don't hunt it just by myself. I have had super times over the years teaching my boys to hunt there and hunting with them and also allowing others a chance to hunt in a nice, low pressured area. If I was just hunting by myself, I would probably only shoot 5 years old and above. As it is, I am quite satisfied with how things go each year on our place.