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What's your unpopular hunting opinion

All the retailers constantly push the gadgets and new equipment are the keys to killing nice bucks!! But you can't kill what isn't there!! Just like real-estate! Location location location!! Is the key!! Hunt where they live! If they don't live where you hunt. All the gadgets in the world won't get you a big deer!!!!!

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People taking unethical shots and saying "he was so big I just HAD to "make it happen"

I'm talking about shooting way longer than you usually would, poor angled shots, moving shots, etc.
Buying a new bow every year is stupid. Find a bow that works well for you and stick with it.

Never age your harvested bucks. If it was nice enough to take, why risk making yourself feel bad for harvesting a young deer.

Trailcams suck and should be considered cheating or even illegal.

Iowa shotgun seasons should go back to what they were 20 years ago, and never be modified. No handguns, rifles, or special seasons.

Lots more.
Ozone in a tree does not work, I trust science not some hunting celeb telling me “ i dont get busted”

The extra deer season are dumb
1. Crossbows - for youth and those who cannot use a bow anymore
2. Rifles, etc need to go away - we don’t have too many deer and you can kill plenty of deer inside 100yds
3. Late antlerless seasons need to go, plenty of time already to kill deer
Youth season should be only antlerless. And a max of 4 years. There's 16 year olds hunting youth that already have more big big bucks on the wall than most adults. You don't learn to hunt by shooting the booners that your Dad patterned and has 2000 pics of. I know I'll get hammered for this one!
Smokeless hunting rigs are the best guns for any and all gun seasons, not so much that they "might" be long range guns in the right hands, but more for all of the other reasons they are the best. I would rather they were the best kept secret.
Youth season should be only antlerless. And a max of 4 years. There's 16 year olds hunting youth that already have more big big bucks on the wall than most adults. You don't learn to hunt by shooting the booners that your Dad patterned and has 2000 pics of. I know I'll get hammered for this one!

It also should not be in late October like in MN!
Hero pictures!

I'm all for a good pic but dang it goes to far imo....

Either tough guy absolutely no smile

Or even worse hunter holding the deer head on ready to give it a
Anyone buying land just for hunting then getting landowner tags is breaking the law.

The most fun fall turkey hunting is from a boat on the lake. And before I get crucified I asked the game warden if it was legal

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