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Where buck like to summer.


Well-Known Member
This area along the Mn/ ND border is extremely flat,open country.
There are various tributaries that flow into the Red River. However, seems every year, once the crops get going, the bigger bucks will often abandoned the riverbottoms and head out miles away and summer in the many remote drainage ditches.
Here's a common looking one I took a pic of this morning calling coyotes.
They have good food, wind (bugs), water and seclusion.
These waterways once again become hotshots during breeding.
Older bucks will push a hot doe for miles and bed her down in them.
Years ago, when I gun hunted, these ditches were on of my big groups staples for jump shooting bucks. We'd walk the for many miles. This ditch runs about 9 miles with only 1 house close to it.

The one pic is just to show how flat it is around here.
Looks like my area as well- they move out into a grass patch north of my house which I can watch with a spotting scope. Not brush to hit their antlers- and can see all the sides around them. Its amazing how smart they are really
The bucks find a small pothole in a corn field and hang around until that corn in picked. Tree lines, cattail sloughs, CRP.

My timber is pretty bare of nice bucks right now in Minnesota. They move back in around October 10-25.
:) The bucks find a small pothole in a corn field and hang around until that corn in picked. Tree lines, cattail sloughs, CRP.

My timber is pretty bare of nice bucks right now in Minnesota. They move back in around October 10-25.
Same here. I put almost Zero faith in what my cams show summer/ early fall.
I've got the does....
Driving a gravel road as the sun was setting yesterday, I glanced down a small creek that went under the road to see a decent buck about to cross the gravel. Standing corn on both sides of the stream and the closest timber was half mile away.
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