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Where's the Beef?


Life Member
Having lived in Wyoming for a number of years I had the opportunity to hunt not only in Wyoming but also in Idaho, Montana, and Nevada.

I have been able to hunt and eat a number of different big game species thus far in my life. Some I harvested, and some meat was taken by other hunters and given to me.

Of the species listed in this poll I prefer the meat of the moose over any other of the listed species.

If you answer other in this poll, please post your favorites.
My vote would skew the poll as the only big game meat I have eaten is whitetail, thus it would be a meaningless vote. I did not vote.
another vote for moose, definatly my favorite!

caribou is also very tasty!!!
I tried Alligator tail last night it was pretty dang tasty. I've always heard it was rubbery, wasnt the case when i ate it.
dall sheep don't come easy so any of it is a very tasty meal. The texture is so differnt than that of any other animal meat. Bear is my second favorite but moose is commonly eaten here so. I eat moose almost everyday.
I have had all of those listed except for wild sheep, which I hear is the best game meat there is. I love a good corn-fed whitetail, but the edge goes to elk and moose, but I really haven't had enough moose to be a fair judge so I voted for elk. The bear I shot this year was the best I have ever had, right up there with the best game meat ever. I like it all.
I voted for elk, it is real close to whitetail though. I've never had bear or moose but am suprised at the above comments as I've always heard the opposite as far as the moose and bear goes. Hopefully I have the chance someday to give both a try.
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