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Where's the doe?

Hey guys, I was out Sunday morning and had twin fawns come by me. They had been running around out in an open hay field prior to this and I don't think the doe was around. Just got me thinking, since the bucks don't like the fawns around during breeding, or the fawns just get away or whatever, how far do they likely go from mama? Just wondering how far away that doe may have spent her time, likely with a buck. Any thoughts?
hard to say, the mom runs them off when she's in heat, could be close or quite a distance away?
I was surrounded by doe this evening from 2-dark. I counted 6 does. Only buck I saw was a basket rack 8 that the does chased off. Hoping for some more action this week!
When mamma gets done doing her thing she will go and find her fawns as they wont venture far from where she left them
Fawns surely are not pushed out of the doe's home range. I'd say she is fairly close to where the fawns are playing around. It's not like they are going to go miles away at this time in their lives.
I would say that the fawns stick around their home core area while the doe is being chased all over to parts unknown. Once the doe is bred she will return and hook up with her fawns.
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