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Which Binocs


Premium Platinum Member
Guys, I am going to bight the bullet and buy a good pair of Binocs...Technically a gift from my wife. A good pair not a GREAT pair. Looking at $300 limit.

Right now I am swaying towards 10x42 Monarchs. I have a ten year old pair of Nikons that are 8x42 and just dont quit seem to cut it. But I am clearly a bit more shakey with the 10's. I am sick of my buddy talking about antlers on a buck, when all that I can see is the body.

Opinions on Power?
Opinions on brand and model?
I have 10x42's and think they are great power for bow hunting. I have a pair of monarchs and like them (don't love them)

I think there are others that are a little bit better. I have looked at the Vortex before...those are nice. My dad got the new scheels brand and those were really nice too.
I have a set of the Monarch 10x42 and they are great except for the eye pieces breaking. I think they have addressed that with the Monarch 3's. My suggestion would be to look through as many pairs as you can in your price range. There are a bunch of descent ones in that range :way:
I have fondled every pair I can get my hands on for the last two years.

I did like the Vortex as well. Any idea what the difference in Warranties are?
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Shedder, what did you not like about them? I have also looked through some Burris' that I liked as well.
The vortex warranty is the best in the business - no questions asked, doesn't matter who's fault, fully transferable, no receipt or warranty crap to fill out, and quick replacement.. Also, for the money, vortex glass is probably some of the best value. I've compared them to nikons, leupolds, bushnells, etc in the same price range, and I think the vortex are better.. And they have a few models in your price range.

Also, Zen Ray are definitely worth a look. While I have never looked through them myself, I have read multiple reviews that claim the ZR glass is better than Vortex. They have a decent warranty, but not quite as good as the vortex one. A friend of mine just got a set of the Zen Ray ZRS HD binos delivered for like $210, and he absolutely loves them.
Vortex for me as well. 10x42. Ive had monarchs and leupold. So far the Vortex seem to be the best especially in low light.
The vortex warranty is the best in the business - no questions asked, doesn't matter who's fault, fully transferable, no receipt or warranty crap to fill out, and quick replacement.. Also, for the money, vortex glass is probably some of the best value. I've compared them to nikons, leupolds, bushnells, etc in the same price range, and I think the vortex are better.. And they have a few models in your price range.

Also, Zen Ray are definitely worth a look. While I have never looked through them myself, I have read multiple reviews that claim the ZR glass is better than Vortex. They have a decent warranty, but not quite as good as the vortex one. A friend of mine just got a set of the Zen Ray ZRS HD binos delivered for like $210, and he absolutely loves them.

Cornfed beat me to it. I've never used ZRs but heard all kinds of good things about them. I own Swaros (back when I had extra $$), but if I had to do it all over again, I would probably get Vortex. I've used a higher-end pair of Vortex binos and I'd put them against my Swarovskis any day. I own a Vortex spotter and it is CRISP! You can't beat their warranty and, for the $$, they are probably the best on the market. There are pros and cons to 8x vs 10x, but I have always used 10x. I'm getting my daughter a pair of Vortext Diamondback 10x42s for Christmas this year. Under $300 and great glass!
Vortex or ZenRay will get you more quality for the buck in my opinion. Ask jjohnson on ZenRays, of everything listed above at your price range I'd get ZenRays, Chinese made to boot!
I don't have any great pairs of binos but what I do carry is a pair of 10x26 vortex typhoons. Compared to all the other compacts I've had over the years, these are WAY ahead. Now keep in mind the other compacts I've had were cheapo buschnell and tasco. But these vortex are great! I did have something come loose inside that was causing double vision. I sent them in and a couple weeks later had them back good as new! No charge! Can't beat that IMO.
If your up around the NE corner of the state. I've got ZenRay's in stock. Vista's and ZRS HD's. I sold my Monarchs and bought the ZRS HD's and I can't tell the difference but like the smaller size of the Zen Ray's and they're about $100 bucks cheaper. They've got a lifetime warranty as well...
Vortex will blow Nikons out of the water in terms of glass quality, clarity, low light viz and the warranty. For $300 you can get a great pair of Binos and probably never buy another set. I would actually recommend the 8x42 unless you really think you need the 10x

a friend ask the same question a couple mo back, so I did some research, and after looking through a lot of binos , I really liked the vortex vipers. I believe they were around $500. I know this is a little over your budget, but they are worth extra coin. I have several pair of swaro, and they are very comparable for the money. The warranty can't be beat.
Vortex Diamondback binos 10x42 run about $250 at Cabela's now and received a 4.8/5.0 rating on 24 reviews. I've got a buddy who likes his pair.
MNbuckhunter said:
Vortex Diamondback binos 10x42 run about $250 at Cabela's now and received a 4.8/5.0 rating on 24 reviews. I've got a buddy who likes his pair.

Of course if someone on here is selling them for good value...you should probably purchase from them!!
Shedder, what did you not like about them? I have also looked through some Burris' that I liked as well.

This will by my 3rd season having them and at times, I feel like they have lost some clarity. I have tried cleaning them and making sure all the dust and crap is out but at times, I get frustrated because I feel they should be more clear or sharp. I have had no problems with the eye pieces tho. I have looked through some Vortex and feel like those are the sharpest and most clear ... just MO
This will by my 3rd season having them and at times, I feel like they have lost some clarity. I have tried cleaning them and making sure all the dust and crap is out but at times, I get frustrated because I feel they should be more clear or sharp. I have had no problems with the eye pieces tho. I have looked through some Vortex and feel like those are the sharpest and most clear ... just MO

I am with you on that, I think I paid 350 for the Nikons I have now and they were the BEES KNEES when I got them. I bought my brother a $80 pair of bushnells for christmas last year and they blow mine out of the water.
I have a pair of Zen Rays and really like them. I had the area where the strap connects to the binoc break during turkey season this year and sent them in and recieved a brand new pair back. I like my Zen Rays :way:
I think you should make a drive to NE Iowa gunny, anyone I've talked to who've looked thru ZenRays have been really really impressed.
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