Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

which broadhead do you use?

You said you cant get your bow to shoot muzzys well? Is that the only brand you cant get to shoot well, or the only brand you tried.

You will find out errors in tuning REAL quick with long range broadhead flight than with field tips. My last bow tuned great with field tips but I couldnt group muzzys for the life of me. Went back to the bowshop in a mad dash the weekend before season, they shot it through paper with field tips, and told me it was fine. When I told them it wouldnt group muzzys he told me he would have to "extra fine tune" it. :mad:

When I said but you said it was just fine a minute ago, he just went well do you want it fixed or not? I still dont like that guy.
muzzys are the only thing i cant group with. I had some left over rages, g5 strikers, and a crimson talon that shot fine. I think im just goona shoot the strikers agian.
Rage 2 blade for me...

Just my 2 cents - I'm with Limb. It doesn't really matter what head you use - if you shoot a deer in the shoulder, or in an undesirable location, sometimes you won't recover the deer. That's part of hunting and we'll all do it at one time or another.

And if you're not going to be using those Rage's and want to get rid of them, shoot me a PM - I have a home for them! :way:

Best wishes tuning those babies in....can be a frustrating deal sometimes.
Another for the muzzy's 100's here. I've shot them for the past 12 or 13 yrs and have had no issues with them and bone. They shot the same as field tips with my old MQ1, gotta try them with the new drenalin this week.
Slick trick 125 or 100 gr mags are a tremendous head. I honestly have no trouble shooting them with nearly the same set up as you. I have a 26.5 DL and shoot 70 lbs X force, total AW of 430 grains. I also have used mechanicals quite a bit and 100% of the time on turkeys. In any case, try them all and see which one you prefer. I was VERY surprised at the flight of ST and the hole is MUCH bigger than you would expect secondary to the short blade and angle.
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