I'd go with a crossbow 
I'm not a "gear guy". Im stuck on my old tc pro hunter and shoot super tight patterns with the "old school" 777 with 150 grains and a tc 250 grain bullet. Shoots super nice & I could never find out why anyone wouldn't want the extra power, (less chance of wounding), trajectory, KE of 150 grains vs 100? With different guns, always found a bullet that worked great with 150 grains (super tight groups) & kicks a heck of a lot less than shotgun. Buddies max out with Blackhorn too and also shoot tiny groups (find bullet that shoots nice with that gun). Seems like bows (not an expert on gear!!!!) where there's lots of really good quality options now days.
I'm not a "gear guy". Im stuck on my old tc pro hunter and shoot super tight patterns with the "old school" 777 with 150 grains and a tc 250 grain bullet. Shoots super nice & I could never find out why anyone wouldn't want the extra power, (less chance of wounding), trajectory, KE of 150 grains vs 100? With different guns, always found a bullet that worked great with 150 grains (super tight groups) & kicks a heck of a lot less than shotgun. Buddies max out with Blackhorn too and also shoot tiny groups (find bullet that shoots nice with that gun). Seems like bows (not an expert on gear!!!!) where there's lots of really good quality options now days.