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Whitetail Deer Population Problem

Its just a click bait site. No real article or supporting information there is a problem. They just listed ten states and their deer population. Maine is all forest with a fairly sparse deer population...no problem.
U know it’s propaganda when they start with “in 1930 there were 300,000 deer”…. RIGHT!!!!… the point in time when every big game animal was completely wiped off the face of the landscape of N America!!! Like saying “in 1930, there were only 5,000 buffalo, now there is ______”. That period of time is a stain on our wildlife management legacy & Theodore Rosevelt saw this & that's when hunting regulations & conservation efforts first started to ramp back up. Before that point & how these folks want it …. We can’t have wildlife messing up OUR way of life!!! Eating our landscaping or taking even .001% of the production off our croplands…. You know, all those areas that used to be vast prairies or forest …. We absolutely can’t stop until every drop of our landscape is a Corn/Bean monoculture rotation.
if truth be told, these folks will never stop until every critter or tree is eradicated where corn/soybeans can take their place. Any inconvenience wildlife put in their life - because it’s only about THEM - will not be tolerated.

Selfish human beings that only care about the last dime they could profit or having lives with no inconveniences …. the world revolves around them. Always gonna be the hags if society…. Same type, IMO that yell at kids that step on their lawns. The miserable old hags of the neighborhood. Those same folks exist in a certain % in the farm community too! We cannot let that MINORITY ruin it for everyone else & ruin the resources with no voice.
I love it when the article is about whitetail deer and then they show pictures of other members of the cervid family. Slide #10 for Montana has a picture of elk. Totally blows credibility IMO (if they ever had any), but the average person probably doesn't take notice.
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