Well I'm glad Ft Madison got that much, I see Burlington and over in Ill, was very dry! I know the storm Sat,,,, I was out raking my seed in. I watched it go along highway 34. I have a friend farms up there along 34 and highway 16. He got .8 Sat afternoon. It stayed north of me..obviously ran across to Fairfield too. My land is just north of Eldon. It was a small cell on radar. Earlier in the week I know we got an inch on my land,,but by the time I got down there friday ,you could hardly tell it had rained,been dry so long. The widespread storms and rain went on all friday night along I-80. Was still going on up there Sat morning on radar. Neighbor was up at Iowa city Sat morn picking his wife up from Hospital, said it poured all morning. I am thankful for what I got but an inch in two months not gonna do much. I reside up at Madird North of DesMoines,go back and forth,, and we have gotten weekly inch rains all summer up there., Would have some nice plots up here. Don't own land up here.Clover that looked beautiful June down Eldon,,now hard to find a leaf.