Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Who's coming to

Nope, no more tickets
Good deal. We were talking about the course last night. I think we have a few tricks up our sleeves for the next one, something about moving and spinning?
Great, as long as it does'nt involve a sit and spin

Oh, I forgot to mention that the pit blind shot was pretty cool. Except that the hole was too deep, or my legs are too short or somethin'
We could have tee roy get on his hands and knee's and you can stand on his back. hahaha. I think we might do two shots out of there next time, May 16th I believe. Hope to see ya there.
Thanks again,
isnt May 16th, the last day of turkey season? or am i all confused? not sure on the dates, i thought last year it went that late, maybe im wrong. : )
Yes it is May 16th, I think that was the only date the we could squeeze on in between all the other shoots. Hopefully everyone will be tagged out by then.
Any info on the shoot this weekend? A bunch of us from HickoryRidge are planning on heading over to shoot.
Yes sir, I will be putting a post up tonight. This Sunday, registration is from 7am to 1:30pm. $10.00 to shoot, $8.00 for members. Pork Loins and Brats will be served. Come on out.
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