Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Why did this happen?

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Because, the properties are better there. 85% of my Dad fields are crop and it's hard to get a Deer on just plain open land. On the property I want to hunt the Deer ate the 6 outer Rows of corn! :eek: Plus you can only hunt the wind if it's coming from the north on most of our places. This place you can hunt in almost any wind. Next year I'll be turning 16 and will be my last year Youth hunting so I want to get this figured out so I can hunt most of the seasons. I'll have to choose between Shotgun and Mzloader even if I'm a landowner, correct? I've opted out not to do Jan. antlerless because of the Doe "problem". Some places the Deer actually need to be taken out.

EDIT: The problem isn't weither I want to hunt or not. I want my Dad to be able to hunt with me and not just sit around and watch me. I've killed 3 Bucks this year and he got 0 Deer during shotgun.

Whats the problem with using your paid tags then? Thats what I am not getting...
Ok, so you have bow and gun tag? there are your 2...just like most of the state of Iowa...
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