PMA Member
When I first started deer hunting, any deer was a big deal to me. As the years went by I began to see the value in letting little ones grow up a bit and I then switched hard to being a "trophy hunter".
B&C or bust!! :grin: Well, I think I waited for 3 or 4 years for my B&C "buck of a lifetime" to show up, all the while growing more frustrated because I never so much as saw a B&C during that time frame!
I then came to my senses and realized that I was hunting deer mainly for enjoyment and there wasn't much joy waiting for a deer that for the most part didn't exist. (The areas that I was hunting then were heavily pressured and in all the years, about 12 total, that I hunted I think there was one B&C level buck in this area and I only saw him once at a distance and shortly after that another hunter got him.)
For the last 10 years I have had my own place and the potential for a super big one is there every year as we are in a good area. But realisitically, my actual hunting time is limited and I choose to share my ground with family and friends to the extent that I realize that I am not likely to shoot a B&C every year.
I admire the guys that have the patience and opportunity to pass 150"+ bucks and let them reach their full potential, but I am happy shooting the ones I shoot. For me, anything that is 3-1/2 or older might get shot, it just depends on things at that time. I have passed bucks that were at least 3-1/2 and maybe 4-1/2, and at other times I have not passed the same deer. But I am having fun at it. :way:
I then came to my senses and realized that I was hunting deer mainly for enjoyment and there wasn't much joy waiting for a deer that for the most part didn't exist. (The areas that I was hunting then were heavily pressured and in all the years, about 12 total, that I hunted I think there was one B&C level buck in this area and I only saw him once at a distance and shortly after that another hunter got him.)
For the last 10 years I have had my own place and the potential for a super big one is there every year as we are in a good area. But realisitically, my actual hunting time is limited and I choose to share my ground with family and friends to the extent that I realize that I am not likely to shoot a B&C every year.
I admire the guys that have the patience and opportunity to pass 150"+ bucks and let them reach their full potential, but I am happy shooting the ones I shoot. For me, anything that is 3-1/2 or older might get shot, it just depends on things at that time. I have passed bucks that were at least 3-1/2 and maybe 4-1/2, and at other times I have not passed the same deer. But I am having fun at it. :way: