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Why I like being 25-35 ft MINIMUM up a tree

I'm with the crowd that is saying that the height of your stand should vary on the setup. My lowest stand is a 15' ladder stand, but its in a thicket on the side of a ridge looking down on to a heavily used trail, so in reality I'm much more high above the deer than 15'. I have a few open setups that are 30' up, the only scary thing about those tall ones is hanging them and that wouldn't be possible without a lineman's belt. After I get them hung I attach a lifeline so that when I go in to hunt I'm always attached to the tree. I know if I fall out of one of those tall ones I'm dead, so I leave nothing to chance.
Really, people should hunt at the height at which they are comfortable at. And like noted, some times the best concealment is at a lower height. I ALWAYS use a linesmans belt when attaching climbing sticks and hanging a stand.
Id agree pretty much 100%. If 25 ft is good, 35 is better usually.
Hey I just got done watching Crush with Lee and Tiffany on the Outdoor Channel. Is it just me or did some guy on there named either Nick or Nate shoot a buck out of this same exact stand? This picture and the camera angle from that show look almost exactly the same.
One huge advantage to hunting higher you failed to mention is the big gain in visibility you achieve.

Here is a typical set up for me early season. Lets just say its up there.
Hey I just got done watching Crush with Lee and Tiffany on the Outdoor Channel. Is it just me or did some guy on there named either Nick or Nate shoot a buck out of this same exact stand? This picture and the camera angle from that show look almost exactly the same.
Not to likely....its SE MN on private farm thats not worth a sh!t come about 10-1;)
wher do you guys find these 30 foot trees? ,curious, do you measure this / I am a carpenter and three storys is pretty darn high, and scary for me anyway
wher do you guys find these 30 foot trees? ,curious, do you measure this / I am a carpenter and three storys is pretty darn high, and scary for me anyway

Kinda what I was thinking to. It's easy to overjudge. You get around 20' and it get's pretty tough to deal with foilage. Not only the tree you are in, but the others you are no longer able to reach for trimming at that height. I measure and cut all my haul ropes to 15', gives me an idea on height.
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wher do you guys find these 30 foot trees? ,curious, do you measure this / I am a carpenter and three storys is pretty darn high, and scary for me anyway
I have a 30 ft rope tied to my stand. Here is my last setup of last season and it paid off with my biggest doe ever. I like this pic as it shows the advantage of having a self leveling stand like the Lone Wolf.


Kinda what I was thinking to. It's easy to overjudge. You get around 20' and it get's pretty tough to deal with foilage. Not only the tree you are in, but the others you are no longer able to reach for trimming at that height. I measure and cut all my haul ropes to 15', gives me an idea on height.

I also carry 2 of these 30 foot hoist systems at all times
( http://www.shopatron.com/products/p...ft.)/part_number=2533/ ) and sometimes they dont touch the ground. I would say that I spend most of my time between 20 and 30, but if the situation calls for it I go where it is needed. I like having that extra foilage to deal with as it provides better cover. My solution to this is simple. I hunt out of a new tree almost every time I hunt and I simply carry the pole trimmer with me most of the time. Guys look at you funny, but its highly effective. Nothing better than hunting a set the first time. It is almost always your best odds for success. So why not hunt a set for the first time.....every time.:way:

Season is nearing.:grin:
I also carry 2 of these 30 foot hoist systems at all times
( http://www.shopatron.com/products/productdetail/Hunt-n-Gear+Equipment+Hoist+(30+ft.)/part_number=2533/ ) and sometimes they dont touch the ground. I would say that I spend most of my time between 20 and 30, but if the situation calls for it I go where it is needed. I like having that extra foilage to deal with as it provides better cover. My solution to this is simple. I hunt out of a new tree almost every time I hunt and I simply carry the pole trimmer with me most of the time. Guys look at you funny, but its highly effective. Nothing better than hunting a set the first time. It is almost always your best odds for success. So why not hunt a set for the first time.....every time.:way:

Season is nearing.:grin:
We have the same thought process here and I agree.:way:
That is great,,if you have that many possible ambush spots. I have 4-on 40 acres, and few trees 20 ft tall.doesn't matter,,I get shaky at 15'.
I have a hunting buddy that swears everyone of his stands is over 25'. I've been to 95% of them most are about 15ft. I dont think most people can measure. I carry a 20ft tow rope on a regular basis and generaly it wont touch the ground, but it will leave my bow mostly on the ground.

Anybody an electrical lineman? A different buddy is a lineman, when he climbs a tree he will tell you exactly how high he is at any given spot.
I don't doubt the people in this thread know what they are talking about.But a lot of people out there have no idea how high they are when they are in a tree. I always have my doubts when I hear people claim they get up to that 30-40 foot range. We have forklifts that we work off of at that height and let me tell you, that is up there.I'm not a bit scared to climb that high, but most trees I know would never allow it. Also, I can't imagine trying to shoot at a deer 10 yds from a tree if I was that high. I love the 20-25 foot range for hunting.
I mostly use 16 foot ladder sticks, and the platform of my stand is around the top step. Therefor, I figure I'm hunting between 15-16 foot. If I use my lone wolf sticks, I may end up at 20, but not likely.
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