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why not

It's all in you residents to control the deer herd! The reason it's on you is because there are more of you and there are more of you that get out for the couple weekends of gun season and that is when the damage of deer control is done. I don't think there are enough big buck hunters to control the herd. We have to be out numbered by those that just want to get out and kill a deer. We have to rely on the weekend warrior to knock the ____ out of the deer and hope that with a post rut gun season the bigger deer are hiding deep in there holes. We non-residents come to hunt for one thing and that is a big buck. Given the opportunity would all of us take a doe, yes, but I think I could kill 20-30 does while I'm in Iowa. Will my 1 doe make much of a difference? Also, the locals that get out and hunt strictly for does. They have more time to pick and choose so give them as many tags as they want. Since I have been hunting Iowa (5-6 years) there are more and more farmers that tell me when they party hunt they kill more and more does and they are aware the dnr wants more dead. When I hear of parties killing 25-40 deer in a season with 8/10 bucks and the rest does you gotta think they are trying!

There will always be big bucks in Iowa because the Gun season is post rut, the seasons are shorter, and the non-residents are limited. Unless the DNR opens the floodgates to non-residents then the state is ruined.
So take your buck tags every other year be thankful you can hunt there when you do get a tag and go somewhere else when you don't. There is plenty of other states that have big whities.
just booked a mulie hunt in colorado. it is easier for me i am applying for an iowa tag too. but i wont get one so i am just counting on going to colorado, the iowa dnr doesnt want my money colorado will take it.

the moose
I have thought the same thing. Take a doe and get points for the following year. Good idea!
I dont think you can realisticly expect the DNR to lower the price of doe tags and incorporate check stations.Thats taking money away from them and expecting them to pay for check stations at the same time.If there really as broke as they say they are then i cant see this happening.I cant imagine the time, paperwork, and expense of building and operating check stations all over the state 4 months a year.And like Kat said, this doesnt neccasarily mean everyones gonna check there deer in anyway.

Earn a buck programs would be almost impossible to enforce for the same reasons.Another disadvantage of that program is when youth hunters come into play.I cant imagine telling my kid he cant shoot his first buck because he hasnt killed a doe yet.Non residents also shouldnt have to earn a buck, it would be ridiculous to charge them 300$ and make them let the buck of a lifetime walk because they have to kill a doe first.All I can really see a program like this doing is getting a lotta deer poached that otherwise wouldnt be.

Im not real sure how the DNR figures out how many does were actually killed though.Without actually knowing this I wonder how hard it would be for them to really screw up and thin the population way out.Personally Im seeing a lot less deer since they started with all the doe and either sex tags a few years ago.And they increased the quota here this year.Some of the places I used to hunt every year dont have any deer in them now.

I dont really have any idea how to thin does out without a percentage of button bucks and shed bucks being killed every year.I do like the idea of lowering the price of the 1st doe tag but I dont think we should expect them to do this then want additional services{check stations} also.
I agree 100% on the increase in doe tags and decrease in price. On the topic of check stations someone stated on another post that their check station was at there local co-op. That is perfect. Saves the cost building a facility and there is a co-op in almost every town or at least close by.
The whole check station issue also passed a few years back and I'm not real sure why they didn't follow through with them.

I think it was set up that every store or shop that sold hunting/fishing licenses became a check station. I would think all the bait shops Wal-Marts and outdoor stores wouldn't mind as it just keeps bringing people back to thier stores. I'm not sure what or even if they were compensated for it because it never happened.

Horst, have you ever got the little survey card in the mail that asked if you hunted deer? These are sent out randomly, I don't hink everyone gets them. Some years I do, some I don't get one. Some people lie on them, some throw them in the garbage. This is how they conduct harvest data.

You have a prime example of why they (check stations) are so important. since they increased your county's doe quota they must have "assumed" that not enough does were killed, when in fact maybe too many were.

MOOSE270, You CAN hunt IOWA this fall. BUY an ANTLERLESS ONLY TAG! IF you are are rejected for a antlered deer tag, then you can buy an antlerless tag without using your preference points. Plunk down the $220.00 and help out. I think every NR hunter should feel obligated to do so during seasons they do not draw a buck tag.

I understand that we all have does in our own States, Lord knows we do, but if you're planning on someday taking a trophy buck from Iowa and you support QDM, harvesting a doe is part of the QDM program. Do your part and buy a doe tag. Last year when I called to get mine, the lady I talked to said they NEVER sell all their doe tags so you CAN hunt in IOWA, and yes, the DNR does want your money.
Pupster, this is the first year in 3 years I didnt get one of those cards.It dont seem like a real fool proof way to figure out how many deer were killed.

Im not really against check stations, as long as they dont run into major expense for the state.I was under the inpression though the check station deal passed a couple years ago was to check for CWD in deer, or at least that was the only thing I remember check stations being mentioned for.

Im not sure to many does have been killed in my county.But let me just say I hope they cut back on the doe tags here pretty quick or that will be the case.

Figure 100 does killed that wont be having fawns.And thats just the extra atlerless licenses.Most of them would have twins.Thats 300 less deer then we woulda had next year.Plus the ones killed on regular licenses.And Im very serious about the deer herd south of town being wiped out, there hasnt been a deer track down there since late Nov.Thats where them 300 deer a year start to add up.I admitt its not a real scientific formula but you can see what Im trying to say.And year after year this really starts to add up.

Im sure theres still areas in the state where the deer populations are to high but there gonna have to start looking real closely at some of these other counties.If check stations would do that then Im all for em.
BALDINGeagle- in your last response I noticed you said unless the DNR opens the floodgates to non-residents then the state would be ruined??? I really don't see your logic. Maybe I'm missing something here.
didnt know that this was an option, i will gladly come down and whack one or two if i can. maybe on my way to colorado, better get busy planning.

the mouse
Another thing that I see happening in my area is a landowner who allows no hunting. This place is WAY over run by deer, this creates a hot spot of deer. I wonder how the DNR allows for these hotspots. I mean just becasue there's a ton of deer in the south end of the county, do we really need to thin them out county wide?

I, like Horst have one farm that is deer ridden and another that used to be full of deer now has very few.

It's hard to solve all the problems and make everyone happy I guess.

My thoughts are that every NR hunter that succesfully draws for Iowa should get an antlerless permit free along with their anysex tag.

The last thing Iowa currently needs is any deer hunter going home with unused tags.

Trophy hunting does no good for deer herd management. The change in Iowa Resident hunting philosophy has contributed greatly to our current conditions good and bad. Us Residents need to get on the ball with the antlerless harvest and I would like to see NR try to harvest any deer before calling it a season.

I would not be surprised if us residents are forced into anlterless only situations in the future if we do not make trophy hunting on an even level or secondary to herd numbers management.

I know a lot of us residents bought the antlerless tags this year, I just hope we had some impact.

Most importantly, be safe and have fun.
The change in Iowa Resident hunting philosophy has contributed greatly to our current conditions good and bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point.All these doe tags have only been around a few years.The buck only mindset has been forced on us since Iowa had its first deer season.And in thier defense you gotta realize a lotta guys have been shooting only bucks for years now and escpecially the older hunters dont entirely keep up with the latest trends in deer management.Theyve hunted a certain way for years and dont see any need to change now.
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