Picking some farm supplies up & saw this at Fleet Farm today….
Yes, that’s $2,600!!!!! (Getting close to $3k after tax).
I’ll repeat…. Hunters across iowa are not calling in to their legislatures for crossguns for archery season!!! This is not coming from the hunters here!!!! It’s coming from Ravin crossbows & their 2 paid lobbyists! A company out of NEW YORK that stands to make a few million bucks if they get our state to sell out. With no care for the resource, what happens to access, competition for archery permission, health of herd, etc. ONLY care about $ - period.
Check this out!!!! $2600…. U can have someone else site it in for u & use like a gun immediately. The margins on these are insane!!!!!!! I’m gonna take a wild GUESS & say ravin is into them for $500 or so. Fleet farm probably buys them for $1500 or so. 2 places make a grand each on these if I had to guess…. & I bet I’m not too far off. Which is replicated in business in all industries. This one just happens to be targeting a state to sell out at the detriment of their citizens & resource.
THIS FOLKS is why spending a couple hundred grand on lobbyists to make a few million is a worth while business investment for these New Yorkers….
Side note: the archery companies that don’t sell crossbows (they are biased, I’m aware) loosely state this sentiment…. “Archery guys trade in their equipment far more often & spend far greater amounts on all the gear that goes with their bows. Crossbows are a one-time huge margin item but the purchases later & upgrades down the road don’t happen. So it’s bad business for the industry & the shops that want repeat customers”. Something along those lines. Interesting to hear tid bits from the bow companies.
Yes, that’s $2,600!!!!! (Getting close to $3k after tax).
I’ll repeat…. Hunters across iowa are not calling in to their legislatures for crossguns for archery season!!! This is not coming from the hunters here!!!! It’s coming from Ravin crossbows & their 2 paid lobbyists! A company out of NEW YORK that stands to make a few million bucks if they get our state to sell out. With no care for the resource, what happens to access, competition for archery permission, health of herd, etc. ONLY care about $ - period.
Check this out!!!! $2600…. U can have someone else site it in for u & use like a gun immediately. The margins on these are insane!!!!!!! I’m gonna take a wild GUESS & say ravin is into them for $500 or so. Fleet farm probably buys them for $1500 or so. 2 places make a grand each on these if I had to guess…. & I bet I’m not too far off. Which is replicated in business in all industries. This one just happens to be targeting a state to sell out at the detriment of their citizens & resource.
THIS FOLKS is why spending a couple hundred grand on lobbyists to make a few million is a worth while business investment for these New Yorkers….
Side note: the archery companies that don’t sell crossbows (they are biased, I’m aware) loosely state this sentiment…. “Archery guys trade in their equipment far more often & spend far greater amounts on all the gear that goes with their bows. Crossbows are a one-time huge margin item but the purchases later & upgrades down the road don’t happen. So it’s bad business for the industry & the shops that want repeat customers”. Something along those lines. Interesting to hear tid bits from the bow companies.