Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


I for one will do whatever I can to maintain good relations with all of the generous farmers that have given me permission to hunt their land. As I said before, I hope I don't live to see the day where I have to "win the lottery" in order to hunt a good piece of ground in Iowa
I agree with SplitG3 on the base reason for this and other problems. Big business and big dollars have driven the craze for big antlers. All you have to do is look at any magazine or catalog or video to see what I mean. Look at all the big buck contests that pay extra if you use their products. I use and like Knight rifles very much but I hate their newest promotion that will pay $250,000.00 if you shoot a new world record deer with their newest rifle. How many gulible people will buy a new rifle on that chance? A lot I think. Business tells we can't get the big bucks without their products, what ever they may be, and keep showing us horns that bear out their claims and driving us to be "sucessful" in the same manner. If there wasn't the maddness to shoot huge bucks there would not be a problem with leased land or rediculess rough land values. When I started hunting deer in the late 60's there wasn't this drive for big horns we were just thankful to get a deer and if it had horns that was kind of cool. Now if you don't kill something in the 150 class you are not a sucessful or very good hunter so you need to buy a new bow, or sight, or rest, or muzzle loader, or scope and on and on. We all need to wise up.
The ground that I hunt is either my own or one of my friends. It's kind of a give and take thing in our group of friends. If we see a group of turkey the night before at his place we'll set up there in the morning, if we have the deer patterned at my place and think we have a chance at one we'll go there. I myself have friends that hunt my ground all the time, Last year I was doing some work on my ground and a out of state vehicle pulled up and there was 4 guys in the vehicle they got out started talking to me we were talking about how the birds had been few and far between for them so I said well if you want go ahead and try this piece pointing behind me. They got a few birds came back and were very grateful and offered me one of the birds. I don't mean to ramble on but as a land owner and don't get me wrong I don't have a huge chunk of land, if someone is going to respect me and my property and the wildlife that is on the property chances are they are open to hunt it. Just my thoughts.
Before I start I just want to say that any landowner has the right to do what they want with THEIR property. Any hunter that has permission to hunt someone else's land had better take care of the landowner or be prepared to pay the consequences.

As far as leasing goes I like Avidhunters reply. He hit the nail on the head. If leasing takes over & the little guy gets pushed out; they open the NR floodgates. This will work fine for a few years then all of a sudden we see herds of 50-100 deer in a field & they all have small or no racks. Suddenly the flow of big $ tapers off & the State/DNR/Landowners need the little guy once again. Big money may be there for the taking & landowners have every right to take it. Just be careful where it takes you! Now, get out there to that landowners house & see what Fall project he/she needs help with! Maggs.
pharmer's second post is the real deal.
The profit potential is there for the landowner to take advantage of as he sees fit. I just want it straight foward, not excuses or reasoning. Just tell me that it provides income, I'll understand. I don't need another lesson on how the farmes are getting the shaft. I'll take a cup full of the Farm Bill if you please, not to mention the tax advantages.
In 195? Hunting season was opened in Iowa and 4000 tags were offered. 40 years latter close to 200,000 deer are harvested a season. There are plenty of deer on public land. Even that elusive Monster. There are many landowners that feel there are to many deer, and are happy to let responsible hunters come in. I know a few who want as many deer dead as possible. There are landowners that want to manage their property because they have a passion for deer like we do. I don't blame them for not wanting to share. If you think their being selfish send me a PM with the GPS coordinates of the honey hole your willing to share with me. I would love to have the money for my own honey hole, and occasionally I am a little envious of those who have the time and money. But MOSTLY ( I thankful for what I have). Sometimes I worry about the future and what will be there for my daughter. Mostly I am thankful. Here are a few things. I'm thankful for.

My family
My health
The chances I have to interact with great people every day and learn from them. (My students. My coworkers, people who share my interests (that would be you).
The challenges I have faced and survived
The excitement of what tomorrow will bring.
Deer season is only a few days away

One last piece of advice.

Teach some one something new. Have an open mind listen and try to look at perspectives from the other shoe you are probably missing something.

If you think you know it all, you know very little.

Wishing all a successful and Safe season
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