Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

WI Archery 2014


PMA Member
After a very busy fall so far, I was able to get out in the treestand this week. My only sit in a treestand so far this year was right on the edge of the field by the farmhouse after harvest one night. So basically, Saturday night was my first full night in the stand. The weather was warm and the wind was a steady 15mph and gusting to 25, but it was out of the right direction and I was itching to sit my favorite stand, the hilltop stand. This stand is basically on the highest point of my property and its a "T" with 2 ridge lines.
Here's a view out of my tree.

I jumped a small 8pt on my way into the stand. He was laying down right by my tree. I typically see bucks start bedding here when the rut is starting. Its a good point for them to catch does. So with him there, and with reports around the area, I was excited to see some early rut action.
I got into my stand at 4PM and settled in for a few hour set. It was a pretty uneventful set except for the hurricane force winds whipping me around. I was talking by text to a friend of mine who was hunting about a mile away and it was going slow for him too. About 5:45, I looked to my left where the deer typically come from and saw a flash of movement in the thick brush. I picked up my bow and heard a distinct horn on tree sound. I immediately saw a buck coming my way with his nose to the ground at a fast trot. Its pretty thick there so at first glance I thought I'd pass him. As he came into my first shooting lane, I decided I wasn't going to pass him! He was already through my lane though and he veered off onto another trail. The next opening on that trail wasn't very big and it was coming quick. I drew back and as he entered it I "murped" to no effect. I let out a louder one and he locked up. I went on auto-pilot and after a few split second calculations in my head, I put the pin about 3/4 of the way up his body and back just a hair. The muzzy 3-blade went in where I wanted it and as he mule kicked, I could plainly see a good spray of blood. Ended up being right at 35yds. He headed down the steep hill and went behind a clump of white pines about 100yds away and never came out. After a few fist pumps and texting some friends and my wife, I climbed down to sneak down the hilltop and see if I could see him. I texted this pic to my friend that was hunting and told him, an empty bow is a good sign...haha. Behind the bow is the direction the buck came from.

Sure enough, right behind the clump of pines was a deer! As I was slipping, climbing down to him, a turkey took off that was roosted in the tree right above him. I about jumped through myself! After seeing my shot I thought it looked far back but after gutting him, it caught both lungs.
Here's what I walked up on.

The deer actually ran down my dad's side of the hill and ended up dying about 75yds from one of his food plots. I got my friends dad to come take pics of me and we drove up into my dad's plot and got him.

You'll have to excuse the tongue. I usually am very picky about my harvest pictures and take about at a minimum 20 pics when I have someone there with me but we were in a rush and I didn't even look at the 4 pictures that we took before I processed the deer.
This is a buck that was on my hitlist and was a frequenter of my apple trees. Its nice to finally start getting to reap the fruits of my labor!
Here he is in velvet
Congrats Travis! Great buck! Gotta love the single pin sight, all you have to do is set it and decide whether or not you are going to shoot the top, or the bottom of the lungs!! Great deer!
Congrats Travis! Great buck! Gotta love the single pin sight, all you have to do is set it and decide whether or not you are going to shoot the top, or the bottom of the lungs!! Great deer!

There was no time for setting...haha. Glad I practice with and without setting it. I keep it at 25yds most of the time.
There was no time for setting...haha. Glad I practice with and without setting it. I keep it at 25yds most of the time.

That's what I mean! Set it when you get in the stand or whatever and never touch it again! Mines been on "22" yards for 4 years in the tree haha! Great shot!
Congratulations!!! I love the "here's what I walked up on" picture with the broad head sticking out the side of his chest. Seriously - love that pic!
Congrats ! Nice animal and in a great state!! I use to live there!! :D I also use a one pinner!! Started with one in "78", went to none, than several ! Now back to one!! :confused: I' can't decide!! :D Congrats!!
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