winter rye


New Member
On our farm we cut 15 acres of silage, and my father is gonna put winter rye on the ground just like he did last year...he planted it sunday right before the rain...last year i think he had it in several weeks just seems awfully late...i'm sure the crop will be fine in the spring but do you think it will grow up enough and attract the deer enough to bowhunt on in early to mid nov? last year the field was like a doe i hunted a lot of the rut on it and was hoping to do the same this year...just concerned on it bringing in the deer, when does the plant start to interest them?
Planted mine 2 weeks ago, you should get good growth in the next few weeks as long as we don't have a hard frost.
Rye will germinate down to 50 some degrees. I read that on this site I believe. It doesnt take much for it to grow. I would think as soon the plant gets much over an 1in tall they will start to graze it.
