Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Worst night ever had deer hunting

Had it happen to me , except the little bugger (screech owl ) connected with my forehead. I had some scratches from it. They bled. It knocked my hat off too. After it left, it flew to a tree branch about 15 yards away and then made another swoop at me. I swatted at it, and it left for good. All I can figure in the predawn light it could see my eyes and some area around my eyes through the headnet I was wearing. Someone said something about it bringing luck, maybe so. It was opening day of our GA archery season. I killed a big doe about 15 mins. later. We called that stand the "Hootie" stand after that.
I had a HUGE owl glide stright at me, tippet its wingand passed ,allmost jumped out of the tree!!! I can still see those huge yellow eyes!
i think it has to do with the facepaint thing and only seeing your eye that draws them in. ive had the charge once or twice with the dang things. i also know of one guy here that had a big one land right by him...put a bear through the dang thing...long time ago but that one never dived bombed anyone after it...
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