worth it?


New Member
Went out this afternoon, in the rain and wind sat in my stand from about 3:30 till dark. The access roads were too muddy to get even remotely close to my stand so I had to come in from the south and walk about 1/2 mile through a muddy picked cornfield (which by the way is a far cry better than a muddy unpicked cornfield)I seen 2 deer 2 raccoons and a turkey, the raccoons were much closer than the deer.I didnt see much activity at all but 1 of the deer was a nice buck Ive seen him a couple other times from the stand. He strolled out of the C.R.P. at 4:45 and strolled up toward the levy just like the 2 times Id seen him before I think I may be seeing a pattern here boys. I tried to call him in with some aggressive grunts, at first he didnt respond at all Id imagine it was hard for him to hear with the wind, and being I was downwind from him than I called a little louder as loud as I could without making the grunt call sound like a sick duck I got his attention he turned my direction but without a visual of the deer he thought was making the noises he wasnt going to investigate any further, however he never once acted like he was spooked just not all that interested.
The 2 tall trees on the fencelin in the photo is where I always see him he likes to appear there than walk west to the levy and proceeds to walk north on the levy when he gets there Im thinking I may have to put a stand along that levy.